3 large potatoes
125 g feta cheese, cream or 100 g usually feta cheese
100 g ham
1 egg
150-200 g grated cheese
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1-2 cloves garlic (optional)
1/2 tsp red pepper (cayenne might)
savory, black pepper and salt
1 bunch parsley
rosemary and basil to taste (optional)

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Boil the potatoes with the skins. After poizstinat cut them lengthwise into two halves. Drill with a fork inside them to obtain lodchitsi. Arrange lodchitsite in greased with suitable grease pan (aluminum). Hollowed part to add chopped ham and parsley, crushed garlic, the feta cheese, the egg, the oil, paprika and other spices and salt. Stir good and this mixture fill the potatoes as they gain height. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Put the pan on the bottom BBQ and bake 25 minutes at 175 degrees. Serve warm with suitable furniture according to the season.
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