1 kg tomatoes
300 g garlic
300-500 g chilies
1 kg red peppers
1 tbsp salt

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Vegetables are washed and cleaned. Chillies are removed only handles seeds left. Then it is ground as finely and add salt. The mixture is poured into enameled vessel capped with a lid and allowed to stand for 3-4 days to ferment. Mix 1-2 times a day. Packed in pre-sterilized jars. Close the plastic cap and kept cool. It can be used as a sauce for meats, as well as an addition to soups and other dishes. Obtained 5 0.5 liter jar.
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I have not capacity, but this spice I use it more than 20 years before I wore it from Russia, Georgia, Greece. Now it is on the Russian gourmets. I think here no aromatic spices like fennel seeds, coriander, parsley, basil. When prepared not leave it to ferment, but rather boil as our lyutenitsa.http: // T = 4778Thanks for the recipe, spice is great for marinating any meats for grilling and baking in the oven
In the spice adzhika basic and mandatory ingredients are chillies, salt and garlic. All other products are additions. There are countless options. Moreover, cooking is not required.