3 eggs
200 g sugar
200 g yogurt
70 g butter
200 g grated coconut
200 g flour
10 g baking powder (1 packet)
1 vanilla

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With mixer whisk the eggs with the baking powder and successively added sugar, the butter, yogurt, coconut flour, and vanilla. Well shattered homogenous mixture is poured into an oiled tray and put to bake in the preheated oven. Cake bake for about 35-40 minutes at 180 C. The baked and cooled sledkish optional sprinkle with powdered sugar or pour chocolate glaze and cut into diamonds.
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Staniela, could you point to the source of the recipe? I was often in Austria Advent weeks (Advent). Progotvyanite then baking and sweets are characterized by very heavy use of spices - cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, muscat color kandirani fruit and yet very very other. And the rich decoration of baking. Furthermore, the use of yogurt for baking is not typical of central Europe. I would be interested to tazgledam original.
Hello, Aliana, actually learned this recipe from my colleague, who has relatives living in Austria for many years. In this line of thinking might be better to fix the type of cake as the Austrian-Bulgarian :) If you have time try the recipe, it is worth.