500 g pinto beans
3 onions - 400 g
3 carrots - 300 g
1/2 head celery - 250g
150 ml sunflower oil
1 kg of raw sausage
600 g or two secondary heads check or 300 g of red beets and 300 g canned tomatoes
salt, pepper, mint, parsley, savory, oregano to taste white
1 head garlic dry

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Soak pinto beans in advance water for 24 hours. Boil pinto beans in 1 liter of water or 2 cups of beans put 4 cups of water. Check can replace it with canned tomatoes and roasted in oil fsunflower beetroot. Cut large pieces of sausage and then saute in the oil, as to grow fat and spiced up the oil. Remove and set aside. Cut chopped celery, carrots and onions. Sauté in the oil with a little water from the cooked beans. Add cooked beans, diced check or preserved tomatoes and diced beetroot. Season with salt, peeled and crushed garlic, red pepper and spices to taste. If necessary, add a little water which is boiling beans. Distribute in 10-12 pots. Put a piece of sausage on beans. Bake gyuvechetata to cover about 1 hour at a temperature of 135C, fan oven, then remove the lid and leave for half an hour dish to seal only the upper BBQ oven.
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check are fermented beet, replacing it with beet and tomato tin is unfortunate in my view, the taste will be very different.
is not very different taste. Checa is marinated beets, as pickle. And not fermented. Rather like kimchi. Sorry, but the jar with marinated beetroot ate him :). Buci, I do not know from which end, but if you know how exactly a century ago it brewed Banskalii or Razlog can write. I can only give you a hint that the check did so from beetroot and of beetroot and placed it in ...
Wait to write, what do you know, I will definitely be interesting.
I grew up in this region, the Bansko-Razlog and will describe how to prepare the check. It is soil from spring betting fragile heads beet seed. How they understand who they are fragile - do not know, old women they know it. Then as a mature seed gather and jealously guard against moisture and mshki:) ... all the way to the spring when it sow. In late autumn should be removed from the field and the yard is cleaned of mud left, the old outer leaves are removed also, allowed the very young and fragile. Top of the head where they were caught Lisa zabelva slightly, the rest is not very carefully scraped with a knife. While cleaning the knife if you feel that a head makes beet threads (not brittle) goes to the Cow or lamb. :). Rank well in the washed beets Court (drum, tubs, buckets ...) and he put salt, but plenty of salt ... Several times during the day was decanted and allowed to rise. When finished removable peel, and washed. Before you put the beans are to bring to the boil for a few minutes in water. Aroma which is the responsibility of the court to check is mildly disgusting, but then in the beans, or kapama pilava's another story ...
:)>: o wonder description, quite in the spirit of that time. Admiration. From beginning to end, I was bowled over, and while I enjoyed of Scripture. Excellent interpretation Clap, Clap, Clap. Incidentally might have been people who have not done the check separately, but in most cases was placed beet cabbage fermentation, for a better taste of cabbage. That beet - check in later cooking dishes, as it shredded or cut into small pieces, naturally pre-washed :). After more than half a century under check is meant marinated beetroot and not fermented fodder beet.
Thank you, ma_rri_na! So if we talk about the check, then what are describing the check, everything else is inprovizatsiya. Implication in how the cabbage heads beet can be placed and where they would come that long winter, people hungry ... At least once a week to cook beans with Checa and jerky, and in the planned corresponding pilavite and kapama. It is often winter beans on the table once to check, then with kohlrabi, then white beans with dried meat. At our end more cook with pinto beans, less white and it was very interesting when I came here and realized that few people have tried gaudiness was very strange, and I thought *A was, these people do not know they cooked white beans, not beans *:)
I am glad that at least for the beans we agree. When you do not know how, but in a tavern Ohrid, the lake in their old city, the menu I chose *Chikane*, which was marinated beetroot with beans. But know them man Macedonians :) as the entrance of the restaurant saying *Baran waitresses* :)