250 g buckwheat
500 ml milk
6 dried apricots
30 g Staffan
1 apple
in large pieces crushed almonds or walnuts, or hazelnuts
honey or nectar to sweeten guava
pinch salt

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Buckwheat bake gently in a dry pan. Remove from heat and pour in the milk. Add a pinch of salt, chopped apricots and raisins. Allow to cool and absorb the liquid, stirring occasionally. Can be prepared the night before and left in the refrigerator. In the morning, before eating, add the grated apple, yogurt and sprinkle nuts. Sweetened to taste. * The dish is suitable for a light lunch or dinner. * For children's menu are used ground nuts and can pass a little.
1 user
I learned how to say in English buckwheat (buckwheat) and necessarily will try soon! I'll varied breakfast of oatmeal or cereal with milk. Interesting proposal! Thank you!
Glad recipe lends variety :) Note that although the name to participate word *wheat* is buckwheat seed, not cereal. Many people in the Anglo-Saxon linguistic community confused nature of buckwheat and related calories, nutrition and other inherent qualities of corn. Without the addition of milk, nuts, etc. buckwheat is very low-calorie diet and food :)
Thank you for the additional information. Recently I came booklet with a list of healthy cereals (I'm not sure that my translation is quite correct). Buckwheat was one of them. Since most foods on the list I have not tried / cook, I decided to try them. For now tried quinoa and bulgur, buckwheat is next.
It was very tasty and nutritional breakfast, as expected! I might have prepared with almond milk and the picture shows it is slightly brown in color.
I am glad that the recipe is more your taste :) Thanks for the picture, it is very nice :)