750 g chicken fillets
50 g cheese
white pepper, salt
# For the filling:
160 g sterilized mushrooms (cut)
1 carrot (more)
3-4 pickles
2 roasted red peppers
1 tsp mustard
2 tbsp (complete) mayonnaise
50 g cheese
fragrant yellow or soft feta cheese
200 ml cream for cooking
50 g cheese
2 tbsp mayonnaise

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Grated carrots in large pieces grater, chop the peppers and pickles cubes. Mix all vegetables (photo 1), add the mustard and mayonnaise and mix (photo 2). Sprinkle chicken fillets with salt and white pepper and crushed very thin - you can use transparent foil (Picture3 and 4). In greased with sunflower oil pan put 2 crushed fillet (spread them all over the bottom). Inflict the top half of the filling and leveling (photo 5). Sprinkle 25 g grated cheese (photo 6). Again put 2 fillets. Top distribute the rest stuffing Grate the remaining 25 g cheese and ending with the last fillets (2). Preparation of topping: Mix the cream and the final fix. Add the grated cheese and mayonnaise. Mix (photo 7). If used not fix and cheese - warmed cream, it put diced feta cheese and stir until melted (if the sauce is very thin, add a little flour, but note that as cool cheesy sauce will thickens, the cream should not boil). The sauce cool slightly. With a sharp knife chop cake 4 to allow topping to come inside. Pour the topping on the cake meat (photo 8), cover with aluminum foil and put in the oven at 220 C. After boiling bake 30-40 minutes. Then get out fthe oil, grated cheese and bake until crust formation (photo 9). After removing from oven let cool slightly and cut into portions (photo 10 and 11). * I made a mistake, I put aluminum foil and the bottom of the pan (picture shows) but can do nothing (except that sticks to pieces and serve with ECTRA * * (pieces foil). Do not do it. * If fillets are less put three line (ie you need 9 single fillets or 3 double butterfly).
1 user
Mmmm, delicious this thing looks like. Even as I watched the images before I read, I wondered: How Elti will head the film of cake? A decision whether it is for garnish;-) I like the idea, definitely!
eeee super necessarily will try only need to order this mix of BG
As the saying goes *rich recipe* / in terms of flavor and ingredients /!
UUUUau, great recipe. ELTI and compliments the look and the taste is for 6+. Immediately to favorites and will soon try. I only wonder what might replace the mix that otherwise who will wait to come from Bulgaria.
I think that may be used and another fix for chicken, which is here, is hardly fatal. Anyway, then add cream.
Thank you for your kind comments:-) To be honest I have no idea what may be replaced finished obsession. Now read the contents - contains cream cheese and a bunch of spices :) Aliana, and I never thought about removing the foil after. Since Peko in shape with detachable walls, decided to insure, not my expired Sokcho on the cake:-). Who could think that better than outside it was packed in foil form, not inside to stretch. Glad you like the recipe.
great recipes and more great photos :) Well done!
Thank you:-), melek!
Fix can be replaced with some real cheese (Brie, Camembert, or other smelly yellow cheese, what I have on hand) and if you do it too often and a little flour (or starch) to thicken.
Xevi, if I'm honest I would have preferred method proposed by you (just do not know if I can handle a wide range of spices and more accurate ratios). Convenience of mixes that save time, and the taste is good. I think the idea of xevi will be useful for all those who can not buy a ready fix.
looks delicious
Mmm, that looks delicious ... Should soon time to make this chicken cake. Already in favorites.
siargus, mariela78, thank you girls. I hope you really is delicious.
swallow during the time I read the recipe and watch the picture just have killed the roosters and have fillets in the freezer and will try the recipe, something different from the steaks, and now to favorites and wish you success in the competition.
Mamcheto61, thanks. With home mestse, can become more tasty. Share when I try.
dear ELTI became great meal, but have little to change 2 products because of the vagaries home if it does not affect, changed mushrooms (moichkiyat don loves them) with chopped ham and not to change the taste in TOPPING instead of the mix that you put I put half again mushroom cream soup. It was a great cake, but I stated to my husband that the next cake will be original if you want to eat, just for me there will be more. Great recipe I recommend it to anyone who read it will not regret
Mamcheto61 very glad that you liked the recipe. Thank you for your kind comment. Did not affect me that something changed (I also apply this technique:-) - even I'm happy by the fact that their samples and the results you like.
and there cream option to replace it with something else?
Ajax_1983, I think it can be replaced with thin cream sauce bechamel (example 1 level tablespoon flour 300ml milk (or broth). When cooking the sauce will thicken further (ie it is important to be careful with density beshameloviya sauce). I have not tried it, but I think there is no reason not to be. If you like the idea and decided to try how it was shared. Good luck.
Great recipe several times I'm doing, incredibly delicious occurs usually! Labeling is only one problem, I do not evaporate water, the last time even asked pickles and meat with kitchen paper, I'm doing wrong?
Marinamnm, I'm happy with the fact that she cook a few times and I was delicious. Thank you for being my chosen recipe.Concerning water have a few suggestions - the first is to fall of meat injected with water (now a lot of talk about this trick of dealers and manufacturers). Me too I happened to come across such meat and when left to roast meat (for example) on a grill pan, it places so much water that first pass cooked and then come to plate.
For this now buy only a single brand (degrees). Second, I can think of is cream - again different brands have different behavior. Some of them thicken, and I fall on those who remain liquid.
At the very obsession of *Magi* is a thickener and should remain a rare liquid, but rather a thick sauce. Try, or earn more than the specified time (after removing the foil), or to put less cream. For me also had fluid (but more sauce), which was able to warm liquid, and not cold. I hope I helped you (still only assumptions).
great recipe, will try for the birthday of my daughter.
Do you delicious, ti4inka. I'll be glad to share feedback and after the sample.
Here is an option for cake and garnish in one - put ring cake more baking pan. In the ring arranged the chicken cake and put potatoes around. Potatoes are just fat (no added liquid).