2 sweet potatoes
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp (light) brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt (or to taste)
1/2 tsp black pepper

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The oven is heated to 230C degrees. Peel the potatoes and cut into strips (for thicker fries). Put them in a baking dish with non-stick coating (or tray, which is used, put a sheet of baking paper). Pour potatoes with olive oil and mix well so that the oil is evenly distributed. Arranged on one line. Brown sugar, salt and pepper and mix them evenly sprinkle the potatoes. Was cooked for 15 minutes and then turn with a spatula. Bake another 5 to 10 minutes until lightly browned. Optional sprinkle lightly with salt and serve hot.
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Sweet potatoes are very high in vitamin A, and even more than carrots. I usually do them only sprinkled with salt and cayenne and baked in the oven without oil, but put a favorite and that's the recipe for the grill will try :)
Nevi, I suddenly got a lot to like sweet potatoes, especially baked and fried. I've seen and cinnamon to them fits and again and very tasty (as a side dish to meat). The fat of these potatoes does not feel, and sugar can be reduced if they are sweeter. Hope you like it - the recipe is very easy and quick if you have a suitable cutter, of course.
I imagine that a lot of cinnamon will go slightly sweet flavor. Pavel has a knife for cutting, so no problem;) Otherwise, if I do not cut them deals on wheels - so if it's easier.
That you made them with olive oil, salt, cayenne and cinnamon (no sugar). Next time I'll try with smoked paprika.