Dried Chillies
sunflower oil

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Peppers are roasted on a plate, then ground and mixed with sunflower oil and salt. The amount of the oil is as pods - it should be a thick mixture. The mixture is packed into jars, sealed and consumed within 2-3 days.
1 user
I do so. Heating 1 cup while oil block. Then add 1 packet of crushed chili and ready.
Oil and removed from the heat and then add chili.
My known Chinese told me that they do this very sauce in a similar way - baked and ground pepper and mix them with olive oil. Allow the mixture to stand for 1 week at room temperature, then fried and then closed in jars. The dark can last for years. Use a certain variety of red peppers, whose name he knew Chinese, but promised to understand how English and tell me. Here it does with some of our variety. He gave me a jar, great taste. But is atomic spicy! Who has hemorrhoids not to try!