vegetables of your choice
cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, feferoni peppers
green tomatoes, celery root, peeled garlic cloves

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The amounts and proportions of vegetables are optional . In a 3 liter jar was filled to the bottom edge of vinegar added 4 tbsp salt 4 tbsp sugar 4 and aspirin. Cabbage cut into pieces as you pass through the opening of the jar, put a few pieces of cabbage, carrots, peppers, chopped green tomatoes, sliced bell peppers, 5-6 cloves of garlic and chopped celery - stack them in your tertip (I might do with more cabbage and carrots, and bell peppers and tomatoes put only color and flavor), if put cauliflower and cauliflower, seasoning with water, allow to stand overnight because the products covered by water and it falls, replenish water and sealed (perhaps a plastic caps). Shake the jar to mix the ingredients with good water and store in the basement or closet cool. * In the winter of rakia is very suitable turshiyka. * Use only quality wine vinegar. * For jars of 1.8 l Put 2 tbsp salt 2 tbsp sugar 2 aspirin and vinegar again to the bottom edge.
5 users
Bravo, Mariyanche! This is the classic pickle that requires time and is very tasty!
Super recipe! And I do so for years. It is very successful.
Girls, adjust the recipe a bit because I missed to mention that as overnight water drop and therefore needs filling up and then being sealed and removable ..
I just fulfilled it recipe - how long it takes to get ready for consumption, because I can not wait to try it ?!
but I have not happened to open earlier than the winter months, but I think that after about two weeks is ready. Try and said he should know for sure.
Incidentally the same principle to pickle cauliflower and carrots, wait to appear cauliflower on the market because it is the only vegetable that do not produce, and to do another 4-5 turshiyka jar.
to reading - it's easy to prepare but the water which pour vegetables cold Is it not understood
The water is quite normal, cold, straight from the tap.
Thanks for the clarifications of 1, 8 liter jars.
and for years I do with it - easy and delicious. I always used apple cider vinegar.
which was performed about a month ago and a half :) Today able to test and super delicious! Even my husband who does not likes pickles liked it. It turned out that some of the bells were slightly spicy and has become spicy! Many thanks for the easy, delicious and really lazy pickle!
I'm glad you liked pickles, and my bell peppers this year slightly nalyutyavat and all my pickles have become spicy. And we already ate one jar and we drove along the species pickles to test them. And this pickle get it do for many years, from the time when we went to work, small children and did not have much time for complex pickles.
This pickle annually attend in winter supplies will pass :) Years ago there was a show, I can think of now: Fast, easy, tasty - just like this recipe :)
A successful and delicious, I emphasized more carrots and cauliflower, cabbage and put only the presence Mariyanka :) thanks for shared recipe!
viliy thing about this recipe is that you can put whatever you want products and in what quantities why I wrote that vegetables are optional, every household knows what he likes and pressure of these produkti..a as like cauliflower and carrots I published a recipe of pickle only cauliflower and carrots also very easy -It is with aspirin but do another without aspirin because the daughter in law does not tolerate aspirin and needed this year to take out the old pads recipes for pickles without aspirin ..
We were the last years only fresh salads, but this year I decided to put some colorful turshiika home, which has a little bit of everything, but more carrots and cauliflower, as I wrote, and I like this a lot because I makes it a long time and is very tasty, but I'd have forgotten and your recipe came to me as custom :)
hahaha we did back-my last year was 6 large jar because you tell all winter speeches ate fresh tomatoes and cucumbers ..