8 sausages lovdzhiyki (600 g total)
180 g tomato paste or double concentrated tomato paste
egg 1
2 tbsp finely chopped parsley
2 pinches dried oregano
1 pinch dried basil
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp red pepper
salt, pepper

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Huntress cut into circles with a width of 0.5 - 1 cm. Fried in oil, stirring frequently, for sticking and tear. Frying did not take long, fairly quickly get a nice tan and remove from pan. In fat put to fry 1 tbsp paprika and almost immediately * * put out with pretreated tomato juice 180 g tomato paste or double concentrated tomato paste (1 small tin of 180 g), dissolved in water to make 1 liter of tomato juice . Seasoned with salt and pepper, 1 bay leaf, 2 pinches dried oregano, 1 pinch of basil and 2 tbsp chopped parsley. Add 500 ml water and allowed to boil for 5 minutes. Huntress returned to the pot. Boil for 3 minutes. Mix well and 1 egg was added in a thin stream while stirring. Simmer for 30 seconds to 1 minute and remove from heat. * Excellent happens with debartsini * Delicious is both warm and cold * A big advantage is the duration of cooking, which preliminary preparation is about 15 minutes * For those who love the intense aroma of fresh parsley, may in the end of cooking to add extra flavor * If using fresh tomatoes - is needed 2 liters of tomato juice to boil until reduced by half . If you enjoyed normal tomato paste - judge their quantity to the brand - so you get 1 liter of tomato juice ready. If the puree you use is pretty sour taste - must be fried before being diluted and add a pinch of sugar. * Huntress are short-lasting sausages similar debartsinite, the skinless sausages, Frankfurter - 8 out October 600 g by weight.
0 users
*Lovdzhiyki* hunter's sausage is it? How many grams are roughly 8?
huntress are short-lasting sausages similar debartsinite, sausages, Frankfurter ... 8 October issue out 600 grams by weight.
Clearly, thanks :)