125 g yogurt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
sweet or feta cheese spreads

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Beat yogurt with soda and valleys water to 500 ml. Add the sugar, salt, and flour until a fluid with a density of boza. All mix well. Spoon Pour into pan, oiled and fry on both sides. Spread the pancakes at your request and rolled.
2 users
We'll try in the near future.
Today it was breakfast :) I've done with the same mixture of small pancakes (we call them *donuts*), we eat with jam or dusted with powdered sugar. Now I made them as big pancakes and spread with homemade strawberry jam :) out my 13, but not thin.
Tonight had to make pancakes without eggs and this recipe I was perfect for the occasion, only the proportions of milk and water made 1: 1 (500 gr. Yogurt and 500 g. Of water)
Villas, look very appetizing! With your proportions - anyway, how many pancakes do? :)
Thank you, Bobby! I only increase as milk and water, put flour on average cake dough and become more dense, but not much, about 10-12 pc. If you want to become more, or have a double dose or to increase water and flour until you like . :) For numbers matter density of the mixture and the size of the pan. Try very tasty :)