90 g of dark chocolate
2 cup coarsely chopped lightly toasted nuts
almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia, cashew - a kind of mixture or
1 cup chopped candied orange and lemon peel or dried fruits
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground allspice
1/2 cup flour
1-2 tbsp cocoa
2/3 cup honey
2/3 cup sugar
caster sugar

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Chocolate is melted in a water bath. In a bowl mix the chopped candied citrus peel or dried fruit with the flour, cocoa and spices. Mix well so that the dried fruit pieces are separated and well rolled in flour - not to form balls glued fruit. Add nuts and stir again. Stand with paper baking pan with a diameter of 20-22 cm - I cut out a circle for the bottom and long straight pieces on the walls, sprinkle with a little oil before you put the paper can stick easily. Honey and sugar are placed in a pot on medium high heat (to me 4 of 6 degrees). Mix in the beginning is homogenized, then left without stirring to boil. Held on the stove until the temperature reaches 116C or 3-4 minutes after boil actively. Remove the sugar mixture from the heat and add to the bowl with nuts and fruit with melted chocolate. The mixture is stirred quickly because it hardens very quickly and pour into the prepared baking dish. Press evenly into the pan with a spoon and bake in a preheated 150C oven for about 30-35 minutes until the surface were formed small bubbles. Remove the pan and put on a rack to cool. 20-30 minutes after removal, while still warm cake is removed from the form (the most convenient if pan with falling walls), sprinkle with plenty of icing sugar, with good rub around hand. Do not do it until it is too hot, but it should be warm. Leave on a rack to cool completely, then wrap tightly in fresh foil, in a clean plastic bag or sealed box. Can be eaten the next day and well wrapped can spend a month or two. Serve cut into thin pieces. * It is best to use a mix of 2-3 kinds of nuts and dried fruit or candied peels. I used only once and almond mixture of almonds and hazelnuts other dried fruits were apricots, dates and raisins. * Can be added chocolate chips to the mixture.
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