1 pig's head
500 g ham
3 -4 leaves bay leaf
1 svisnko tripe
5-6 cloves garlic

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Gets cooked pork head meat while apart. Strain the broth through a colander. Boned and trimmed meat from all bones. Cut the meat into large pieces. To the meat add bay leaf, black pepper and crushed garlic in large pieces. Head is boiled with salt. Mix well meat spiced and full belly. It is tripe is a small hole. Then sutured with thread holes. Insert the filled tripe in a large saucepan and pour the strained broth. Put to Boil about 2-3 hours. During cooking it is important to pierce with a bodkin or larger needle in several places, so as not to burst. After boiling gently bend the pan and pour the broth. Babes subtract a large tray and pushes with board and top may burden. So overnight stays trapped in the cold. The next day you have a wonderful and superb SWIS Babes by Trojan, which is ideal appetizer for red wine.
1 user
Very interesting recipe!
appetizer is amazing :).
My grandfather did but putting Babes and chili pepper becomes very tasty well done.
Very nice recipe and could with other meat and tripe again in
Hello Blaga, generally we do it only with pork, and may try to say with beef and bay leaf and may become as sazdarma.
From me 6 :) It is very tasty. I put cumin and others. spices. Really time consuming, but worth it!