300 g cornmeal
150 g flour
500 ml yogurt
100 g butter
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

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Flour mixed with other products and mix a smooth dough. Pour into greased pan with butter and bake in the lower grille on the stove. Is baked beneath obligatorily and dopicha. * Instead of addressing it obarnika remove the upper grille and dopicham only top broiler. In the version of the photo I've smeared with egg, something that does not appear in the original recipe.
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Rhodope cuisine of Women Malcheva
awesome and I love this cheese cake but I had not thought to do it soon. Was my favorite breakfast one time. Congratulated shared recipe!
Thanks for the comment, Mery_Popins! Because I usually remains obarnika, I discovered that the next day is ideal for Rhodope sop - crushed, mixed with cheese and topped with Overdone with paprika oil. For the moment, this is my favorite breakfast :).
Well, I have not tried but the next day was nice, but I like a lot of cheese and eat it a lot more hot!