6 rectangular slice of ham (about 150 g)
1 cucumber
1-2 tomatoes
125 g feta cheese or cream usually feta cheese
dill, parsley
# Dressing:
4 tbsp olive oil
4 tbsp lemon juice
little white wine
colorful pepper, salt
2 eggs
few olives
arugula leaves

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The feta cheese creases become creamy. Cucumber peel and cut with potato peeler into thin strips. Tomatoes cut into slices with a thickness of 4-5 mm. Dill and parsley finely Every piece of ham is smeared with cream cheese. Top rank cucumber strips. On them sprinkled with spices. If you enjoyed generally feta cheese, spices can be pre-mixed with it. greased ham pieces are wound tight roll. Cut in the middle obliquely so as to form a 2 logs. In a suitable dish rank 3 stalks, each on a bed of half a slice of tomato. For the dressing in a bowl is broken very good olive oil, lemon juice, wine, pepper and salt. With spoon watered every stump and around it. The rest of the dressing put on other bands cut cucumber and mixed to be seasoned and put on a little pile of each portion. Another option for presentation - with chopped boiled eggs, olives and herbs.
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