2 onions
4-5 cloves garlic
10 feferoni peppers
5-6 tomatoes - ripe or canned
1 eggplant
salt, pepper

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Onions not cut into very small pieces and sliced garlic. Chorbadzhiyski peppers cut into rings to the top, but when it comes to seed are cut to length, cleaned and cut into pieces. Eggplant and tomatoes cut into cubes. If canned, drained tomatoes. Onions and garlic sauté briefly in olive oil as onions become glass. Put them peppers and fry for about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and eggplant, salting is, put it pepper and boil on low heat until the eggplant is tender, about 10 minutes. Serve chilled and served as a salad, sprinkled with olive oil and lots of parsley. Made in larger quantities, the dish is packed into jars, sealed and sterilized for 10 minutes. In addition to the salad course meal can be eaten as an appetizer, and garnutura to meat, feta cheese or grated boiled eggs, hot or cold, according to the wishes and situation.
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