1.5 kg potatoes
100 g mayonnaise
5-6 tbsp yogurt
6-7 pickles
6-7 peppers
olives (pitted)
optional: garlic powder ; cooked peas, corn, carrots

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Potatoes, well washed, boil in salted water. Pickles, roasted peppers and olives chopped. Mix mayonnaise with yogurt and garlic powder. We choose a suitable container (less supniche, bowl cream or something else) and wet with water to easily separate the cake. It first Grate the boiled potatoes and lightly pressed against the bottom to seal. Spread with mayonnaise sauce and sprinkle part of pickles. Grate potatoes on top again, again pour the sauce over them and put pepper. We conclude with potato layer that reach the edge of the court and back pressure. We turn on a suitable flat bowl and dish greased cake with remaining mayonnaise sauce. Optional decorate with flowers of roasted peppers, pickles, peas, olives, parsley and others. * These products come out about 6 mini cakes, so distribute the product evenly. * Optional can put bases of Sfar peas, corn or carrots and flavored mayonnaise sauce instead of salt, sunflower oil and vinegar.
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