250 g minced meat
3 eggs
1 cup soda
1 cup flour
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp savory

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Mix all ingredients and leave the mixture in the refrigerator to rest for about an hour. Take a large spoonful of it, add some flour and with hands forming schnitzel or ladle pour the mixture and fry like pancakes. Fry in a lot of fat. Remove them on napkins to drain the fat. Serve with salad season.
4 users
Your recipe is better than mine. I had not thought of carbonated water. This roll is a good idea. I pour the mixture from the spoon directly into the pan. Next time I will make them your way. Definitely more like it!
Girls, onions not put you?
Today it was the turn of your recipe. Became magical. Just could not cope with oval, but parzhih them so directly. Now the only way to do them. Thank you very much!
are great. Try them out!
Put onion, parsley and put ... just so I recorded the recipe, but it's all a matter of taste. So boldly put into.
How many out of those products? Thanks in advance.
depends on their size, but are pretty and are suitable for unexpected guests because quickly prepared from few products.
recipe is excellent - all home liked schnitzel! The first few times trying to roll in flour and only his sunburn oil, Then I discovered hot water:-) - fry them gently in an oily Teflon pan without flour! And their appearance is better;-)
I also think that the recipe is great. My schnitzel meal instead I added the same amount of a mixture of oatmeal and oat bran and added onions. Not roll and straight parzhih them as small palachinchitsi (tiganichki) .. because a few days before I made potato rösti and daub is full of it tumbling .. :) Thanks