500 g chicken livers
1 cup rice
1 tsp pepper
1 tbsp vegeta
1 onion
2 eggs
400 g yogurt
pinch of soda

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Chicken livers are cleaned and cooked. The water is discarded and the livers are washed and cut into cubes. Chop finely and stew with sunflower oil and a little water. Add the washed rice and fry until glass. Add livers and spices. Pour into the pan and pour in 4 cups boiling water. Bake until ready. Prepare topping of all products bay liver-dolma. Bake to golden.
7 users
the salad
Renny, why do not use broth from livers? TOPPING usually I'm doing with 4 eggs, 400 grams of yogurt, 1 tablespoon flour, 1ts baking powder, salt.
For a lot of blood and it becomes a *rags* ..... itself broth is cloudy.
Try it, is super.
Desi, I'm glad you liked it!
Tasty became, well done!
Kathy, I'm glad that you liked.
Incredibly tasty.My daughter does not eat liver, but her comment was *divine*.
Very tasty. Excellent result.
This eating much love (May only home I think so). Today I did it, but also put more chicken livers gizzards and hearts. TOPPING made it a slightly different way - made béchamel sauce to which I added a half cup backward milk, one cup of yogurt, two egg yolks and whites, broken snow. Became incredibly fluffy and delicious! The recipe is great!
oddments I have not done chicken liver, I'll try. As do her will photograph it and I will show you.
prepared recipe and get well.
Very good idea. And the recipe is great!