1 kg potatoes
3 eggs
300 g sausage
pepper, marjoram, salt
sunflower oil

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Peel the potatoes and planing - half in large pieces grater, half finely. Add the eggs, spices, chopped salami cubes and flour as the mixture to get the density of pancake dough. The oil is heated and distribute the mixture with a ladle, like pancakes and fry on both sides.
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magazine. Dishes in bowls
interesting name, immediately grabbed me, but something I lost ... Kakko potatoes and grate them will not become liquid so that flour be put to thicken the mixture. nelale, what is the secret here? How to be a thick mixture in the pan?
name Bramborak a Czech recipe is Nataline that lives in the Czech Republic but here is where otbilyazano taken the recipe, so your name is really weird
I'm sorry I missed the source. Recipe in the magazine is 1 egg, potatoes placed quite water at scraping, but I put 3 eggs. Today we did except with sausage and mushrooms. Beat the mixture in a blender to me is smooth. Can be rolled like a pancake, to put the stuffing of choice may be small fry pancakes -lower easier turn. Smaller thickness thicker pancakes are nice fry, not remain raw. Put pictures.