4-5 slices of bread
3-4 eggs
100 g pork smoked breast (or other sausage)
100 g cheese
4-5 olives
3-4 pickles
tomato paste

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Spread with butter or sunflower oil a baking dish (if Teflon is used only a few drops of fat), stack it in a few slices of bread and other spaces in tray filled with zalcheta bread. Bread smeared with tomato sauce (I used what I was home), belly pork cut into thin slices and put on bread. Pickles and olives (preferably pitted) also cut into slices and put on bread. Eggs broken in a bowl and pour the mixture into the pan, then planed cheese and all this is put to bake in the oven. Eggs act as glue and really becomes a real base for pizza.
1 user
Yeah, really looks like a professional pizza :) Bravo, I like retseptichkata you :)
Thank you, really delicious and it is very easy. :)
Yes, definitely and does not require much time :) that's the thing that is fast, easy and delicious.
and I tried, was super! :]