1 chicken
4-5 tbsp mayonnaise
500 g potatoes
4-5 cloves garlic
1 tbsp salt
pepper, cumin

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Potatoes cut into thin slices and discharged into the tray. Chicken cut into portions, sprinkle with salt, pepper and cumin (cumin and pepper of your choice). Add mayonnaise. Garlic is planed or cut into small (of your choice) and added to the chicken. All mix well, then portion is arranged on the potatoes. If the court, where they were mixed products remained more of the sauce, it is distributed over the meat. Pour 1/3 cup water and cook until the chicken catch brown crust. Do not overdo the water because the potatoes will cook instead to bake, and will be lost usual taste of the dish.
4 users
In favorites :).
Nyamam whole pile, but the imam pleshki and WEBSITES ytre design could bade izprobvana. Otiva to Favorites
A dali mozhete c domashno prigotvena mayoneza?
Lyubche, ctrahotno yactie. Caprygat my ci obliza chiniyata. Bravo! Octava in Favorites. Dobavih and cnimka, If endorse it will nevertheless see it.
I'm glad you liked the dish. To me the most I like the crust, which is derived from mayonnaise on the chicken is great :) Pets mayonnaise do not know, but surely will get :)
I have a whole chicken and wondering what to cook with it. This recipe sounds tasty, today will try and tell you how to get it. Thanks a lot for ideyatya.
oil or any other oil are not you put?
do not put fat-right mayonnaise is made from olio..tya enough it greasy ..
I only put pepper. Divine. Yummy, finally parsley / catering /.
It is really yummy. We are a favorite recipe, and it is very easy and quick and usually when you wonder what to cook always cook it that even the mayonnaise her do and fries are my hand and I always chicken in the freezer ..Super recipe is ..
became chudnichko, Eat it often with pleasure! :)
looks very tasty, I'll try today. Thanks for the idea
Try it and was very tasty. Has to Favourites
I'm glad you like it :)