4 eggs (XL)
180 g sugar
180 g starch strawberry (3)
10 g baking powder
# Cream:
1 Starch Strawberry cream with cooking (60 g)
700 ml milk
5-6 tbsp sugar

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Beat eggs with sugar very well. Add the starch with the baking powder while stirring until smooth mixture of dough cakes. Put it in a baking dish 25 cm in diameter and bake at 180C until ready. Allow to cool and the cream is prepared according to package directions. Baked cake is placed into the cake tray and affixed to the top finished hot cream. Waiting for several hours before being cut into the desired shape.
10 users
very effective and easy to implement.
rest of my eyes, gorgeous picture! A recipe is so simple, bravo!
Thank you girls, I am very glad that you like. I did it on behalf of my daughter, that she is a big fan of pink
recipe I liked a lot (and the image of course) :) I guess the cake will become very aromatic!
Thanks Rennie, very aromatic, will be glad to try it :)
Before there brownie recipes without flour and starch, but it should be fine. Here the matter?
I did, and it will cut released photograph became well but the eggs with the sugar to be confused 20 min. Mixer. I have a similar recipe but with added fat. I have no idea what packets are now seen on the package says corn starch to me cake became perfect, next time I will pour cream ole without boiling it is nicer than the usual starchy.
A picture is amazing viliya ...
The properties of starch are not changed, regardless of what has been obtained - maize, rice, potato, wheat, tapioca. Starch is a chemical compound (starch) and the source is irrelevant. Origin should keep you busy:) Put boldly whatever you have - it thickens, without taste :)
Yes, the picture is very compelling and no recipe how to go unnoticed and untested :) Thanks Rally for guidance!
Today I decided to cut the cake and draw neighbors, cut off a piece and put in a dish and cut until the second piece and put on the plate of the first piece was izhluzilo malebito to do a photo shoot had to fast before izhluzilo malebito. I thought that malebito me more but I did it with 500 ml. milk, so the amount is less than specified in the recipe and have kept the size of the pan, run and photos. Well we will eat it from the pan and is very tasty.
I forgot about my evaluation 6 worth, viliya must have a fineness in the making, where is my mistake?
While Villas your answers to intervene and I :);) I think that just by making a rare cream, it can absorb less cake and *grip* on it, so then not slip. This is just a guess. And I will wait for the answer that I can do this cake.
I think we should be a little cream on top and little guests wish.
Ohooo ... how many comments:) I'm glad you like it, we celebrated as a former student and now look ... steffanell see no reason to slip off the cream after a few hours marshes and cream are welded together (as in Homemade cake) and no problem to cut, but if you like more gelatin so it makes everyone has the right to inprovizira as the taste of the family.
we ourselves were responsible and looking for a reason for this, I poured cold cream should it be hot?
Well, a must! Cream should be hot and cold marshes to stick :)
And this is the reason for the failure, the next time I'll know, thank you.
Thank you for the nice recipe I liked the taste, just tried it. I I poured cream without boiling ole -yagoda. My cream is rare and was afraid it would leak when cutting, but do not leak. Is delicious.
Villas, is great! Became very light, fluffy and flavorful (and suggested) :)
Well done girls! Nelly is very nice, Reni is fabulous ...:) I am happy that you like and your photos are wonderful!
Girls, you are awesome! Nelly Reni will fall off, with these pictures, you do not have shame? Villas, congratulations for the recipe! I threw it into the favorites. I have noticed that tastes with girls like us. There is no way you will be doing, but after fasting! :)
Lirinka, it is very nice that follow the post (for us it turned out to be a difficult task). I am very glad that you like the recipe, and the girls have done more than perfect, as always. I can not see any beautiful photos :)
On the last pictures cake is decorated and sides. This cream or cream is?
This is the cream - over colored paint it with pastry (not the cake is pink) :)
You might ask very stupid question, but in the swamps not you put some amount of flour?
No, Lily, do not put :)
Thanks for the quick answer Aliana, Sunday will make the cake and will upload and photos. Just one more question - not syrup, right? just pour the hot cream?
Hello Lily flour is starch (flavor and color). In the pastry is not put syrup, but if you enjoy a succulent desserts can it syrupy :)
I mean that the starch acts as a meal :)
Here pink cake my daughter that is green ... This time it cut 2 ponds, but the next will cut 3 because it is quite high. Happened very quickly and is quite economical. Thanks for the recipe and quick answers.
Lily, pink-green cake has become very sweet :) Glad you inprovizirali and that you liked it :) and I thank you very much for your trust!
What starch is achieved green? Maybe KIWI or green apple? Help! Your idea is great!
Eeeeeeeee, great you are. Very cool this cake.
Yes starch is a Kiwi. Simply no other. Really happened very quickly and very tasty.
We very much liked, even there is a request for Sunday again. Thank you. And my photos.
Mary, made their wonderful cake with a nice decoration! Glad you liked it and I received an order for more :)
I did it again, at home much like him, this time the cream is my starch.
Nelly, again a unique performance! Bravo! Congratulations!
Today was again the order of the pink cake. This time I did two colors, much like us.
I tried the cake, but I did a cake with three ponds. Green cake and apricot starch. Sprinkled with raisins and between the latter must top for decoration. Very pleased. Next time I'll put and ground walnuts. I changed the recipe a little, but it's not like that very dry desserts. Did not stay and crumb :)
After the first failure I went to repair, this time cut marshes of two greased with hot cream and it was perfect, the cake became juicy and delicious.
cake is very juicy and palatable. I poured him my chocolate cream starch and sprinkled with almonds :)
Great comments and great color ideas! Thank you!
Very interesting, easy and great sladkishche :) I prepared it with raspberry starch (such I) became extremely flavorful - we like. viliya, thanks for the recipe
gold very appetizing photos! Glad you liked the cake! Greetings!
I decided to do this cake next week, but cake. The pictures I see that there is already such implementation. My question is a double dose of cake you prepared for both marshes and moist you them with something (like cake is juicy)?
Hello mimetics as nice break eggs with sugar (to whiten) and bake in a baking dish 25 cm, is sufficiently high and fluffy cake that can be cut into 2 or 3 parts and can be syrupy further with sugar (1 h. h. water and sugar to taste) or compote to be more juicy cake, as it mekichak and cream.
Villas, many thanks for the quick and thorough response! Will make the cake for a princess, which is 4 years old and I'm sure many will like it. Will upload and photos :)
to consider - the cake became great! Unfortunately I have no photos, but rozhdennichkata was very pleased, not seen pink cake :) The next day I did as cake for home and eat more hot!