2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1 cup yogurt
2 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 banana
2 vanilla
2-3 tsp cocoa
1/2 tsp baking soda

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Eggs are broken down with the sugar until fluffy cream. Add milk and soda and the oil. Stir gently and carefully added with sieved baking flour. The mixture was divided into two portions. White flavored with vanilla and brown for added cocoa. White was poured into greased oblong cake form. Cover with half of the cocoa mixture, in the middle roll was placed in breadcrumbs banana and covered with the remainder of the cocoa mixture. Cake bake in moderate oven 35 minutes or until ready.
9 users
interesting to favorites is
photos seem very tempting. Will try.
It looks delicious
cake and nice, only added to the recipe still 1/2. The sugar (like a sweet desserts). It was very good!
cake is great and also very easy, as rarely enraptured in cakes, but this definitely fascinates me. I also added a little sugar because home like a sweet dessert.
bravo great is just try it now to Favorites
Very good! Scary delicious!
And I will add more sugar next time, because it will definitely do it again!
cake kind of became well, but within about bananas is less gletavo and wonder why, after being baked perfectly, even a little burned.I think, if not the variety of bananas?And to you, is that correct, or is it just me?Just look for the cause.
When I get awesome. I had bread crumbs, but rolled in banana flour. Bake for less than 30 minutes - 25 was ready. It is very tasty. I immediately put the recipe in favorites :)
baked cake at 170 degrees, maybe your oven akva7 was stronger.
I do not bake inside. Apparently the oven was very strong. Too bad.
to me bake, keeping it 40 minutes in the oven, but bake well. Sugar and I was little, next time will put more. I made the cocoa part less than half and it was a mistake, because now the whole white and brown is just top. And bananas could not sink, but remained on top. Next time will justifiably pushed.
Very nice recipe, accreditation, and to me about my banana nyakkak wet and slightly glletavo and bake about an hour cake
I think this is produced when your finger is fresh. Last time I did it with fresh banana and dropped much juice left an empty hole with a banana spihnat the bottom. I think if you wait banana huuubavo to dry and become black, will get things. So I will try next time.
Only with the banana is not understood clearly has a variety of fruit.
great recipe became the perfect cake