330-340 g sweetcorn tinned
70 g flour
1/2 tsp baking soda plus a pinch
20 ml milk
1 small onion
1 egg
pepper, savory salt
olive oil

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Drained corn - will remain 250 years Rinse with cold water and blotted with paper towels. Remove 200 g corn and put in food processor. Add the flour mixed with baking powder and baking soda, milk, onion cut into pieces and egg. Salt, pepper and parsley are to taste. Strain is for 2-3 minutes on medium speed until a homogeneous mixture. Add the remaining corn (50 g) and stirred with a spoon. Home the dough in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. In a frying pan on medium heat, when hot add 1-2 tbsp olive oil. Once the oil is hot blotted with paper towels and place a scoop of dough small pancakes. Fry 2-3 minutes on each side, then bring to absorbent kitchen paper.
2 users
These 20 ml. milk, if not 200ml? With 20 does not receive pancake mixture.
milk is 20ml. Do not worry. I've done it several times, but unfortunately I have not photographed. Copy the images from the original site to see the consistency of the dough.
So this thick pancakes as American. Now I understood. I prepared them a little differently and become thinner, but they were good.
Not bad pancakes, thanks for the recipe :) dough I get very thick, almost like a paste and then went 5 not bigger and thicker pancakes (like the US). Peko them without fat Teflon pan and I became green of parsley. Corn, which I used was pretty sweet pancakes and generally became more sweet than salty and somewhat surprised me, but overall I'm pleased.
My version is more milk (as evidenced by the photos) and without onions. Interesting and tasty.