# For the dough:
3 and 1/2 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
60 g butter
50 ml sunflower oil
# For the filling:
2 large potatoes
1 tbsp olive oil
450 g beef
1 onion
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp ground cumin

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Potatoes are boiled for 5 minutes and grinded. Heat olive oil in a large pan, add the mince and fry until brown. Add the potatoes, chopped onions and spices. Fry until the vegetables soften. The dough is prepared, in a bowl mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Mix in the oil and softened, cut into pieces butter. Add 5-6 tbsp cold water and kneaded to obtain a dough which is shaped into a ball and allowed to rest for 10-15 minutes. On floured surface roll it thin crust and cut glass circles. In one half of each place of stuffing. Folded and the edges are sealed by pressing in several places with a fork. Empanada arranged in littered with greased baking paper tray. Bake 15-20 minutes at 200 C.
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Culinary Journal 3/2008
I live in Argentina and I was very surprised there are hundreds of empanada. If anyone is interested, leave me a note. Very tasty some of these hundreds of species.
For a nice look slightly before removing from the oven are coated with beaten yolk diluted with water.
Goes favorite, I guess you can offer us other options of filling - authentic Argentine :)
About Clip - here shorn empanada says repulge and he himself otdova important. Only beginners clipped with a fork, experienced craftsmen Protective hand. The various stapling most commonly used to distinguish different types of fillings. Not surprisingly, one of the big chains emanadi in Buenos Aires says El Noble Repulge (www. Elnoblerepulgue. Com. Ar)
Give a link where there is info on this topic is very interesting! Give several authentic fillings see and July of you asked:-) Or write something in the forum.
here's another stuffing 250 g. Veal, 1 red pepper, 3-4 pinches of cumin, pepper, onion and garlic powder, 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp salt, cayenne pepper, olive oil. Cut the meat into retail and fry lightly in olive oil. Add the spices and pour 150 ml. water.