# For the base:
7 eggs
7 tbsp sugar
7tbsp flour
2 tsp cocoa
# For the cream:
700 ml milk
130 g flour
30-40 g starch
200-250 g of sugar
140 g butter
# For Creamy Cream:
1 l whipped cream
sugar to taste
# For Kroc:
400 g sugar
150 g walnuts
# For decoration:
300 ml cream
200 g white chocolate
100 g brown chocolate
chocolate couverture
# For the syrup:
1 cup sugar
2 cup water

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Eggs for the base to remain at room temperature after which the yolks and whites were separated. Yolks are broken down better with a bit of sugar. Whip with remaining sugar snow. Beat yolks are added egg whites, gently stir with a spoon. Flour and cocoa sifted and then gradually, again stirring gently with a spoon or spatula, added to the yolks. Should not stir too much, just enough to mix the ingredients to not decrease egg white. The resulting Sponge dough is spread in a buttered cake form (diameter 25-26 cm) and baked in a preheated 220C oven for 20-30 minutes. The milk is boiled in a pot with 200-250 g sugar (depending on how sweet you prefer) with stirring using a stirrer. Add 130 g of flour and starch 40-50 g, while continuing to stir. Once the cream is well cooled and add the butter. Cream cream cream mix with sugar, and part of it is devoted to melt the white chocolate. Sugar for Kroc melts and it is poured crushed walnuts, mixed and the mixture onto a greased flat surface. After cooling, the solidified mixture was broken into small pieces. Sugar syrup is dissolved in water, heat and leave to cool. Baked base is cut into three equal parts, which are syrup evenly. The first moist base is coated with milk cream and sprinkled with a thick layer of caramelized nuts. Cover with a second base, which is smeared with cream and cream also sprinkled with caramelized nuts. Top placed third moist base, cover cake with cream cream, as the edge of the cake is made decorative cream edge using Posh to not expire topping of white chocolate. In the medium was poured molten white chocolate using the posh make lines of molten chocolate brown. The lines intersect with a knife, so as to obtain the wavelets. Of chocolate couverture is dug rolchitsi and are arranged in a circle on the decorative edge and the wall of the cake is decorated with caramelized nuts. * 16.04.2013 - the recipe is edited with more precise quantities thanks to the comments and personal experience jufa and i4eto3421 .
Very difficult
17 users
Bon Appetit
This cake is really very difficult, but worth it!
Vesi +1 .. the same opinion I am!
looks very tasty, well done, but I have one question-what is Posh?
Posh says Confectionery syringe - which is soft like a bag of tips. :)
Thanks for the information .. :)
Great cake. Will try, nothing that is very difficult. :)
cake made sweet, but whether bake marshes of the preheated oven. He doubled in size when baked. 15 minutes above, appears ready. Once it took halved. Most very difficult to Kroc when sugar boil, boil over and caught fire on the stove. These are small domestic accidents. I wish success to all decided to try the cake!
This kind of test bake in preheated oven. The decline in the finished crust rather may be due to an error in the preparation. Eggs with sugar is broken down in the fast lane, then the addition of flour to reduce speed and may even be mixed by hand. The mixture must not stand, and pour into the prepared pan for this purpose and bake.
What starch use?
quite normal, white, true starch (starch, lat. Amylum), not that which only he says starch and actually pudding powder:-) Starch has the same composition and properties, whether derived from potatoes, corn, wheat, rice or cassava - ie . - Use what you have at home, thicken always:-)
Thanks for the info :)
I made a cake for his birthday. Became the perfect recipe is correct if you follow exactly. Only the amount of product to the cream and the cream is greater than necessary. But I made two-tone cream from them. The hardest thing I think is the preparation of Bavarian cream, but more effort is obtained. I send you a picture of my cake.
Hello! I sent you pictures of my works that I made for the birthday of his nephew in Finland! Therefore, greeting one cake is Finnish, and the party were all fascinated by them!
I made a cake for the New Year is a great-only products creams are more.
Can you tell me with what diameter is best to form a cake, which is baked swamps?
eat her shop in NEDELYAYAYAYA! I would not have risked, I'm not such a cook! Ainache thanks for the recipe!
I do make an ordinary baking dish, I do not know exactly cm in diameter.
I did not make it, I used only Kroc another cake, but only eat it in *Sunday* for no other reason but requires more time.But soon I will have the occasion and time, and try! :)
really laborious cake. I guess the second time would not be picked. Blat get successful, but since I was already occupied with preparation and need to bake crust and second of these two bogs got 4 thinner. When assembling and again did not do well at all :( complete failure. For me, this cake will be called Black Sunday :). Congratulations to those who make it and make it!
sladki64e, so you became swamps, because you did not put baking powder 1, it is not mandatory, but at least will not be afraid of failure, you will not swell. I wrote another comment, but my moderator deleted it. Good luck! :)
I was prepared baking powder to second base, but dont forget to add it :). Thank you!
health! Can anybody tell me how to make a quilt on the cake? I want to do as a curved cake.
First pour the white sauce with a ladle.Then melting dark chocolate, put it in the bag, but this should be done very quickly, because the chocolate quickly tightens.Cut a tiny hole in one corner and doing fine lines zigzag.Then you take a knife and the blade across the black lines, gently *stretch* from end to end.One line doing in one direction, the other-in other to become as a network.You can look at my picture to you is easier.I hope I have been helpful.
Thank you very much !, but these rolchitsi can you do with a spoon ?, something that I can not see him what this tool looks like this where I make ice cream balls!
van44eto, add a picture of the instrument, although not its good quality. I hope to see her. Different from spoon for ice cream, but samples can be done.
oh look great, but it is very large spoon to my mouth :) May success of skilful chefs
I bought this knife May 26 lev -struva her. Summer it can cut the large fruit, stainless steel is detachable is selling it in a market for confectionery. And you learn to make these rolls to prepare at least to 12 lev for 2 packs shock. couverture from Kilo-Kilo and every thing. Rezultatar is good and the store will be amazed (I will give you the address if you do not know)
please someone a size baking pan for these products. I have to do a large cake as big as pan on the stove. these products will I get you for such a crust - if it becomes thinner will do two, but if you get one of these dimensions
My form has a diameter of 26 cm. A thick crust, which cut into three parts, but I do not know, maybe if you want the cake to be greater in the sense that the latter must not be thicker guess I'll have to increase the minimum amount of products. Good luck!
I made two ponds one white and one brown. cake became great, even though only the latter must be white Sunday was for children's birthday, upload a photo and wait for approval. thank you all - this is my first cake in life. I am very proud ha, ha, ha.
Can anybody tell me in Stara Zagora Kade has Exchange confection?
Great cake out. All the guests loved it. Received 20 juicy and delicious pieces. Put and photos.
i4eto3421, BRAVO! Pretty much made sure the result is fantastic. I loved your picture.
I am happy. I thought the cake is difficult, but it is not. It takes a little time. And if it is done for a loved one result is seen;)
Cake is great and really is not that difficult. I did it with small changes in a very nice occasion. I put a lot of enthusiasm and work.
I'm curious how you got cake recipe that I think is completely wrong
And you think Emma, what is wrong? Mine was great. Rules I have already several times.
can not put 7c. l. flour for a cake of cream 180 grams of flour +50 g starch. simply can not I did it exactly the recipe marshes became rare and cream is a mess, as you become your October my opinion is such,
can someone tell me For Croc:
1 kg of sugar
not that many
On my Nen left of Kroc, but I put a little between the latter must. So do with 600-700 g of sugar. But when the stay can be stored for a long time in a refrigerator.
And I already tried. I made for the birthday of my friend. Became great and all impressed :) Little is somewhat irritated with the preparation of caramelized nuts, but the effort and time zaluzhavaha:-)
I made cake yesterday for the birthday of my child. It was not difficult in the preparation of cream and Croco. I would even say that they are quite easy to prepare, but if I do, my advice is to do half the dose because the material remains for another cake. RPPW ... Marshes not I felt very well. I do not rushed. I made a second, as one put baking powder, same thing. Can someone tell me WHERE AM ZGRESHILA?
light, I certainly 4f Burke little peak dough should at least 15 minutes messing with mixer. I hope to become the next putt well. This rule applies to all Sponge dough. my camp just great. all were fascinated
I tried something but I do not get it. marshes on it izavadih fell and had to kupsh ready 1l cream was more than half and for Kroc did it with 500 grams of sugar and still remained. looks delicious but I do not know what happened. success of others
And to me the latter must sometimes I fall. Now leave them in the oven and open the door. So let them cool.
Great cake! Rules I have already several times at home and I agree with emma, that recipe is a bit confused. First look at the video of the handover of Zvezdev that the owner of Nedelya says yolks are broken with the majority of sugar and proteins to remain little sugar. Even baking powder and add to the mixture. And secondly I personally products and creams Kroc them almost halved, otherwise hartisva material for one more cake;)
And if I put starch? To replace you with something? I have bad memories of him ...
For the cream you can use and only meal but do not you smell of flour and use more vanilla for a nice smell. I've done it with cream and flour.
Thank you!
This is an incredibly nice cake. Very nice and really worth your time and patience to do. I saw her for the first time here and I make it several times already, upload and snimchitsa.