3 eggs
2 cup sugar
125 g butter
1 cup flour
3 apples
10 g baking powder (1 packet)

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Pour into the pan 1 cup sugar with the butter is caramelized to pink. On caramel ranks row apples (peeled, cleaned of seeds and cut into slices). Separately, whisk the eggs with the remaining sugar and add the flour, previously mixed with baking powder. Pour the mixture over the apples and bake until browned in a moderate oven. While still warm cake turns on a baking dish. If the bottom of the vessel remain caramel, add 1/3 cup water, melts on a hot plate and this liquid is syrupy cake.
8 users
Festive cakes, Publishing ABG, Sofia
original and delicious cake. In dough can put a vanilla and apples on to sprinkle cinnamon before spill dough.
great cake!
I have no words to describe this wonderful cake! Try it! Really great.
It was something great, I love apples only raw, but this cake fascinates me. I sprinkled with cinnamon finally here and generally no fresh baking powder, mixed with vanilla. Terrific hope my son liked it ...
Wonderful taste! Cornelia before 2:00 it prepared in a rectangular pan. See what's left of it. Send you one picture to prove it.
Thank Cornelia, I made the cake, it is very spectacular. Apples sprinkled with cinnamon. Terrific!
Cornelia, the good thing is that you give the stages of preparation.
It is very tasty, but I put cinnamon and grated apple. Try it, you will be charmed!
Very nice dessert.
gorgeous dessert.
Really nice dessert, but next time will reduce the amounts of sugar. I try and pears.
I did it and pears. In marshes put cinnamon and ginger! Became fabulous!
To ask a stupid question .. what to say - caramelized pink to melt .. you completely or remains crumbs?
Burned to pink means that melt (this is caramelized) until it becomes rozovenikav color.
Wonderful dessert :) Not only will go in favorites but will be part of our Christmas menu :) Happy Holidays :)
I just turned it on. Still warm to try it, but do not doubt for taste. What flavor! To me were about 2 apples. Just cut them into cubes and put them on top of the dough. When cut it will have more pictures.
very favorite! Required syrupy little with caramel syrup. Ends la minute!
Very tasty apple-caramel cake, the next time will be with pears.