3 eggs
1 tbsp sugar
1 cup milk
2 tbsp sunflower oil
cube yeast
flour dough medium
# For the filling:
1 cup chopped walnuts
# For the syrup:
1 kg of sugar
4 cup Water
citric acid on the tip of the knife

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Eggs are broken with sugar. The yeast was dissolved in milk and added to the eggs. Insert the flour and mix medium soft dough. Divide into 3 balls, each roll of sheet thickness 0.5 cm. The butter melts. The first sheet is coated with 1/3 of the butter, sprinkle with walnuts and cinnamon. Top put wordy second sheet coated with the second 1/3 butter, sprinkle with walnuts and cinnamon. On it is placed third wordy sheet, pour in the remaining butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and walnuts. Screwed tightly roll. Cut into slices 1 cm thick. Ohlyuvchetata are arranged at a distance from one another in an oiled tray. Rise for 10-15 minutes. Bake in a moderate oven until ready. sugar and water boiled syrup to drop flat bowl. Add citric acid. Well cool siropliyki flooded with warm syrup. Optional can decorate with cream spray.
1 user
B. Chakurova
I love siropliykite, but always seemed to me to be difficult to do.
I liked. Reminded me of the old melcheta:-))) Only next time will reduce the quantity of products in half because they get a large baking pan (35 cm) and will have to eat sweet week.