5 kg red peppers
500 g feta cheese
1 cup (200 ml) sunflower oil

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The peppers are baked and cleaned of seeds and skins. Together with the feta cheese is ground in a meat grinder, then mix well, add the oil and stir the mixture again. Pour into jars which are sterilized for about 3-4 minutes.
8 users
I personally prepare chutney as follows: in a deep dish beat a few cloves of garlic. Add clean peppers, chopped into small pieces. Carefully grind everything. Add cheese and beat again until a uniform mixture. Add a little oil and pepper. If you like, add a little parsley or fresh dill.
This is not a chutney. Learn to cook!
in different parts of Bulgaria chutney is prepared differently. This is the wealth of Bulgarian cuisine!
I do with it for years and love it all.
This chutney is delicious.
Of course it is not chutney. Whatever differences there geographically main raw material for chutney Tomatoes. In Nashensko is made from tomatoes, peppers, slightly roasted eggplant, garlic, salt, spices.
I tell him this chutney, although there is little difference, but the point is that my mom makes it for years and really worth it.
A note from me in preparing or making that many Bulgarian yummy need the following products: red peppers, DOMTECH 1-2 or eggplant, garlic and spices. Everything is ground in a meat grinder and add fat ie oil. Optional garlic, spices and stylized in advance scoured jars 25 minutes after boiling. They addressed the jars with the lid down and leave overnight to pull the vacuum cover. Until recently, and your meal.
Dear Jubilee of Vienna, you probably do not have much experience with various chutneys from Bulgaria made by older people. Then you would know that, according to the properties of several of them true chutney is made without tomatoes. Tomatoes are more modern additive and some people improve the taste of the product. I thought so, until I tried without tomato chutney. I wish you a pleasant taste experiences.
Dear colleagues, interesting why this otherwise good recipe no tomatoes with peppers represent the foundation of chutney? Furthermore forget eggplants, because it is now called *Aubergine*! Nice mastering the intricacies of cooking!
It makes no sense to close the cheese in a can. Can put later as desired. The idea of chutney is to preserve vegetables, lacking in the winter. A cheese is delicious. Me here something I miss tomatoes (ripe if it) :)
splendid opitai they make it
My daughter calls this *shaggy chutney* and then dab thick slices. You can add finely chopped parsley.Hopefully appeal to you.
The recipe is very nice. This is a yummy that my mother when I was preparing myalkya, more delicious than usual chutney. Glad that was published here, because it seems except in Varna elsewhere is not prepared very, very, at least I have that impression.
milena75, I also got it from my mother really is incredibly delicious. Thank you for your support.
Hello, the recipe is really unique. I have a question: can be stored for a longer period (one winter, for example)? Thank you for the wonderful ideas of all.
Yes, is not sterilized. Prepare it as chutney in jars and spent one season with security no longer know, because I'm not staying.
This is your favorite chutney my daughter and not only that. I make it in each year and has never been, and never had enough.
And I ask! How many jars (jam for example) come from a dose?
7-8 jars, I guess, because our country is attacked mixture before putting it in jars and drastically reduced. Sorry for incorrect information.
Nice and time-tested recipe.I have eaten this ,, chutney *, yet 20 years ago, did not know that is still relevant.I have tried with red or green peppers and always going on.
It's really delicious. Necessarily present in winter supplies.
super -this is your favorite chutney my son. 5 kg of peppers roasted and ground put 1 kg of cheese. I do not know if it would work better if I put and 1 jar of 800 g lyatenitsa chain dance. I will try and write
Today prepared chutney! Of those products came 8 jars (jam). On reflection amount spent on the purchase of the products would, I come to buy the same amount of chutney *Billa* for example, but ..... now I know what will eat my son-and to buy from ...? In conclusion - I am very pleased!
This recipe is present every year at Pickled me though as the paste of peppers and cheese. Besides the above products I put salt, sugar and vinegar. Furthermore, pre-heating up the oil.
It is not necessary to grind the cheese. It is sufficient to crush or grated
Melina, would you share please, how you add sugar and vinegar?
This recipe each year, at home and spend more of chutney. With us you call it Pate cheese and pepper and attitude is 5 kg roasted pepper (ground): 1 kg of cheese (grated finely). Pour then 1h. h. Overdone sunflower oil (both lazy chutney), sealed and boil 3-4 minutes. The jars are ready for winter, will get a picture.
I also began to prepare this chutney each year, the addition this year is a bunch of finely chopped parsley! :) The recipe is great, and is prepared very quickly!
this recipe sounds great, I hope I manage to organize and to do what I have not seen so far
I personally, this lyutenchka I'm doing it for many years and all home love her very much, but add 1 jar and ready chutney ,, Hortse *or whatever else you have, but it is finely milled and finely chopped parsley. The oil must be priparzheno. And I say lazy chutney ,, ,, because it is very easy and quick, but it's so delicious that you will not want to do another.
Girls, and is not it 3-4 minutes sterilization ?!