10 kg apples
20 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice

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Apples are washed well and cleaned of stems and cut into pieces so as to collect the opening of the clipper. Do not peel nor clean seeds. Processed by machine for squeezing fruit. The resulting juice is heated to boiling and adding lemon juice, robbery formed foam and boil 10 minutes on low heat. After exclusion pour in advance nicely warmed bottles or jars. Closed bottles / jars and turn left there until cool. Harvested in a cool, dark place. * The durability of juice is 1 year. * This recipe can be prepared juices and other fruit and vegetable juices. * From that amount the result is obtained about 2.5 - 3 liters of juice, depending on how juicy fruits.
0 users
Can you show how it looks trimmer for pressing fruit?
No problem - I put a picture in the theme What I bought today. Here wants Cyrillic writing only and does not want to take a link. There are all kinds and prices - we chose somewhere after our first burn.