10-12 peppers
2 onions
1 cup Rice
5-6 tomatoes
1/2 cup sunflower oil

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Chop the onion finely and stew with rice clean in half the fat. Add the flesh of the tomatoes, chopped, salt and pepper to taste. Peppers cleaned of stems and seed salting the inside and filled to 2/3 with rice mixture. Top place 1 slice of tomato. Peppers arrange in a baking dish and pour the rest of the tomatoes, chopped and mixed with the remaining oil. Make up 2 cup hot water and dish bake in a moderate oven. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.
8 users
Here is my picture. The recipe is very nice, but I added a carrot, which planed and I poured peppers with 1 pot of yoghurt and two eggs.
Classics! Many obi4am stuffed 4ushki!
Thanks for the recipe became very delicious!
Required in orizcheto put dzhodzhenche uniquely it!
became very delicious!
Thanks for the recipe my favorite dish of my favorite grandmother = (I thought I will not eat any longer peppers, but became the same =)
Very tasty! Home favorites are :)
Peppers became my filling, but I'd had friends, this dish. Therefore shredded peppers. Always put herbs and mint. Became a wonderful cooked meal! :)
Thanks for the recipe, tried it, and peppers Comprehensive very tasty! Together with onion zaparzhih and two finely chopped peppers. And besides parsley, I added a little dry celery.
Excellent recipe! Very tasty!