1 kg of flour
42 g fresh yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp sunflower oil
2 eggs
2 tbsp yogurt
250 ml water
colored salt
15 -20 sunflower seeds

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Involved dough with flour, yeast (dissolved in a little hot water), salt, sugar, the oil, 1 egg and 1 egg white, milk, and water, until the dough is soft medium. It was then allowed to rise. Time of rising the temperature of the room. Once the dough is cut into three parts, one more than half, second, it is more than half of the residue and the third is the smallest. The first two are divided into 5 equal parts, starting with the largest. Each part is sharpening the diameter of the pan (about 30 cm). Are imposed on each other, and between them colorful sprinkle salt. When we are finished with the first five parts, with a knife cut the dough into 8 triangles tray starting from the center to 2 cm from the edge of the tray. Then, the triangles refer to the end of the tray. In the middle of blank space where superimpose other 5 sharpened pieces (to fit in the gap) and again between them with colorful sprinkles salt. And they cut into 8 triangular parts, but this time must be taken to have among other triangles (not covered). Wrap to the wall. In the middle put the last piece of dough forms a ball. Optional can be decked with sunflower seeds or sesame. Allow to rise again about 10-15 minutes, and then coated with separated yolk. Put it in the preheated oven and bake at 200C 30-40 minutes.
0 users
An interesting way of shaping. Very nice picture!
Thanks :)
Many warming picture a cold January day! Do not do much with a drink, but as soon as possible will try :)