2 cups sugar
2 red apples
1 and 1/4 cup flour
1 vanilla
125 g butter
5 eggs

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Insert the 1 cup sugar in a pan, together with some water, to give a caramel. Spreading it in a pan until hot (you may cover the tray with baking paper for easy detachment then). Allow to cool. Cut the butter into slices and cover the pan. Apples also cut into slices and arrange like a fan on the butter. Dough: In a bowl bruised Beat eggs with 1 cup sugar until the mixture turns white. Put it gradually flour and vanilla. The resulting mixture pour tray and bake at 200 degrees until browned. When the cake is ready remove it from the oven and immediately turn on the tray.
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my mom :)
This paper baking is not clear! Stand baking pan and pour the caramel?
with baking paper can be coated Teflon pan if you do not need, but in plain caramel may stick to the bottom. The oil is a standard packet of 125g to :)
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