125 g butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tea cup of jam
3-5 tbsp milk
1 vanilla
300 g cookies biscuits (medium softness)
1/4 cup ground walnuts

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Cow butter softened at room temperature and stir it with powdered sugar. Mix marmalade with fresh milk and vanilla. Add this mixture to the beaten butter and sugar. Blind biscuits with cream so as to obtain a roll, we put in the fridge to harden, remaining cream reserve. Tepid roll spread with remaining cream (at room temperature, in order to smear) and sprinkle with the ground walnuts. When the roll is ready we cut it diagonally to look into strips. * Can be made with cocoa cream, as the assembly is the same: 125 g butter 1/3 cup powdered sugar 2 tbsp cocoa 1/4 cup milk 1 tsp rum * 1 cup = 250 ml
0 users
jufa, how big cup of coffee?
Plain coffee cup, a small, no tea.
There is a great variety of coffee cups, there are all kinds - from very small 50-60 ml to 300 ml ones and everything in between :) Can more precisely in milliliters, how the cup you use?
I think that 300 ml. Cup for tea not coffee. I use coffee cup Turkish coffee, you can is about 50 grams. I think that under the coffee hours means no coffee tea. But it depends on what and in what you drink coffee. I hope I helped you.
This is more clearly, thanks :)