2 cups coarse bulgur
21 cup water
2 tbsp flour
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 tsp dry yeast
2 tbsp sugar
# After fermentation:
1-2 cup sugar
1/2 tbsp vanilla sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon

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Put the bulgur in a large pot with 12 cups water and leave overnight at room temperature to soak. In the morning it cook on low heat for 2 hours. Cooked bulgur grind in a food processor or blender to blend (if your blender is not heat resistant mixture cool slightly). Strain the mixture through a fine colander - drained mash put in the fridge, put the rest in a colander with 8 cups water and cook, still over low heat for 1 hour. Strain again and add the drained fluid drained to the mess of previous waterborne. Here you can leave to cool completely in the refrigerator, where the mixture can stay one day or to cool to room temperature and proceed with the recipe. If the mixture is too thick, this step can add a little hot water - add a little bit better to stay more dense because later may be diluted, but not thickened. If the mixture is thick, stirring becomes easier with blender. Place the flour in a small saucepan with 2/3 cup water and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Stop the heat, add 2 tbsp sugar and mix well. Allow to cool slightly and add the yogurt, mix well. Dissolve the yeast in 1/4 cup hot water for 5 minutes and stir in the milk mixture. Watch the water in which dissolve the yeast and milk mixture is not too hot, just warm. Leave to stand for 30 minutes in a warm place. Mix the bulgur with the yeast, stir and let the nice, covered with a towel at room temperature for approximately 1-2 days, stirring occasionally. The fermentation time depends on the temperature of the warmer becomes faster. Over 25C danger quickly sour. Originally formed bubbles, the mixture smells of yeast, and then began to acquire characteristic aroma of boza. Smelling stirring and try to determine when is become your taste. When you feel that the mixture is ready - dilute with water if necessary, add sugar to taste - about 1-2 cups, cinnamon and vanilla (and they are to taste, set amounts are tentative). Mix well and store in refrigerator up to 2-3 days. Before the season it may allocate less boza starter for the next dose. * It is recommended for storage and fermentation to use ceramic and glass containers. * Even if it is slightly sharp scent of fermenting mixture when water is added (if needed), cinnamon and vanilla, it softens. * On the set quantity yields 10 -12 l boza.
2 users
I think there is a mistake in the recipe on the amount of sugar. There is no way to just 2, 5 sap. spoons. Please author to review it again. Stylistic design language too.
Brides, will not you join, waiting for details on the recipe :) I really want to do, but I need the right amount of sugar.
I'm sorry ... I was on vacation :) daniski ... told me that sugar is a recipe ... can be added to finally taste :)
Thank you, bridle, soon will try! I live in the US and the only thing of BG, which is not sold here sucks, and I respect her very much :)
In the morning I put the bulgur in water and after a few days I will share impressions. I just want to ask you, in serving you with vanilla sprinkled here and put cinnamon? I read that in Turkey boza serve it with roasted chickpeas. Sounds interesting and if I find chickpea will try kombinatsiyatya. Thank you in advance for your answer.
sure you do as my description of the recipe I'm not quite clear to slightly We looked and found the same recipe and have it [url = http: //,35361/boza- fermented-bulgur-refreshment.html] here [/ url] in English. There are products in grams. Writes that put 2.5 tablespoons sugar, but weight is 450 g, which makes me think they mean 2.5 cup, not tsp In other recipes sugar is also considerably longer.
Sorry I did not get. Maybe because I added a lot of sugar at the end. I put 3/4. H., As read in other recipes, and boza began to ferment in the refrigerator. Several days ferment and finally just getting to become faster and it was leavened (which was expected). Kept 1 h. H. For starter for next time.
If you have a starter try this recipe Боза
That's what I do! Hopefully get.
gkostova04, if not possible on site, which is in English are wrong? Long think to try to do this boza that I miss ...
Yes, you are wrong, but I and other recipes I watched that put more sugar. Best try the recipe as is. I, until I put a lot of sugar, I was sure that will happen - to taste and smell was good. Good luck!
We'll try as. Does size matter of bulgur?
I think size does not matter because in the end the scales are discarded and only remains inside, which becomes a sort of jelly after boil water and bold. Neville me a tip - prepare yourself more strainer because leaching is very small drudoemko.
I put boil at the moment but I have tried many times any recipes but I am not able, do it exactly a recipe and write the result.
And I put it on to boil, I took the normal (not brown) coarse bulgur. Do half the dose should not be angry if you do not get waterborne :) - perhaps with cheesecloth would be easier, but I do, so it will be with a colander.
Nevi, get a baby towel, sell them in drugstores where baby food and baby needs (eg dm, Rossmann and the like. ). Towels are large cheesecloth-lined and held for years, one that I have is 18 years since Patrick left me :) And can be boiled, dezinfiktsirani and so on.. Boza I wish you great success and you follow the exchange of experience. Because here Bulgarian opened shop, but I can not tell you, I bought two bottles boza, what a shock was reading at home their labels! The whole periodic table had it there, with numbers from 1 to 1000 :( If someone succeeds with lesnichka recipe will try myself. Good luck!
Rally, thanks for the advice, in this recipe does not need cheesecloth, but other times I wanted to have and I have not thought to look at children's things in store. With boza - boiled bulgur and blend it and almost all passed through the colander (fine is colander this). After the second percolation me were probably 2 tablespoons unstrained. Now I step with sour and hope to be successful bother me if this ferment will give exact taste.
Zakvasih boza and left overnight in the kitchen in the morning checking everything was effervescent and sour, I was ready ferment. I tried many times but never received anything you can drink and called boza.
I did starter toasted flour with 1. L. Cold water, wait to ferment from time to time stirring toast meal with a specific smell of boza. In pelvis recipe yeast can not but effervescent and no sour taste or color. Recipes to be placed without making frequent result is that in the bucket.
And my boza was as sour after the first day, but then sour taste away. The second-third day was not acidic.
steffanell, Bulgarian boza shall be made on a toasted flour (and now with many E's and sweeteners), Turkish boza is made with bulgur (wheat). As it is universal boza for the Balkan peninsula, pretty much everywhere make it a little differently - with corn or corn flour, wheat, millet, rice ... Turkish is thicker, brighter than ours and with a different taste. In this recipe the flour is mainly fed to the yeast, and is boiled in order not to put in a crude mixture, which is then not subject to the heat treatment. I do not know whether what you're constipated it will prevent fermentation, but the taste and color will definitely add - 2. L. Of the mixture is too small for that.
I am at the end of the first day of fermentation, follow the recipe exactly, only added a little water to the bulgur mixture before you put yeast - perhaps less dramatically boil and it was too thick, slightly puffed, added her 1 hour. h. hot water and blend. Little cool home - 18C - and I think you may need to wait 1-2 days more. The mixture me until the end of the day began to make bubbles and smells. I like the smell, I wonder whether you will become good bread with it, it reminds me of the leaven of leavened bread :)
Cheers! Today boza I began to smell :) boza taste is accurate, but not quite, as if something is missing, probably baked flour (still Turkish boza). Lighter is with cinnamon, something not put in Bulgarian, but boza is good, we are pleased by the recipe. Recipe itself is quite accurate, perhaps the only thing I think that needs repair is a *warm room*, referred to as *room temperature*. Will ponaredya slightly preparation and put comments where necessary. Thanks for the recipe, Vesi :)
From this recipe I used one tea cup of yeast and switched to this recipe Боза.сварих I put the yeast and wait to ferment slightly, even so there is color, taste and smell of boza ours.
steffanell, I hope to be able to keep a bit of yeast that drink it - it with less sugar it with more cinnamon ... :) I think I may try this Боза, also going to try once more the process of the recipe to which the comment - I think that the second fermentation can give a better taste. And because I loved the texture of bulgur thinking to do a combination of both recipes. I will report how to prepare. It is interesting and what will be the result of your experience :)
For me, obviously it's hot in the kitchen and maybe get a souring in the morning but I have great ferment currently boza is on the balcony of hot and after half an hour started to ferment. I will let the pictures and explanation of the other recipe. Currently termomeara shade the balcony shows 42 grams. The pictures are wonderful. It's nice when the outcome is successful.
Oh, this is really hot, perfectly possible to very quickly sour. I just hope this experience will be successful and sipping delicious boza soon :)
Taya will try boza required, but will wait for the winter months, just do not turn sour quickly, and since then the most you consume it, because it comes the season of pies and cheese, but what most running these delicious meals with BOZAAAAA.
Today I transferred to the pelvis recipe and I was surprised that the explanations are very accurate and has been revised, now is another. I will use the brown sugar and the color will be more intense. Many thanks toxevi to complete a recipe.
Here is my comment after completion of shit, did half the dose for flavoring used the 1h. h brown sugar, salt, cinnamon and vanilla, I added 1h. h of boza that had fermented ready than last time, was incredible boza taste. And I like more groats and I think that the use of yeast from fermented boza gives great taste and good result. EUREKA. Thus prepared boza is a million times better than fucking boza is sold in stores in Bulgaria.
steffanell, very swift. I here in the cold days dabble bulgur mixture, and you hop and you are ready, another is a hot down :) Glad you like cooking, say if I missed something.
Nothing you missed and everything is very well explained, to me everything rises quickly, the morning began to brew boza and already afternoon drink it and enjoy. If heated oven and put boza inside will not wait so long and confused. :)