350 g flour
250 ml warm water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp dry yeast
30-40 g butter
1 egg
# For the filling:
veal sausage

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To warm water, add salt, sugar and yeast. Mix well. Add the flour. Massey dough until no sticky on the hands and to it was added the butter at room temperature. Leave in a deep dish, covered with a cloth and warm to rise. After an hour - hour and a half dough knead lightly again and allowed to rest for 30 minutes. The dough is divided into 8 balls, covered with a cloth so as not to dry. Take one ball on floured fruit using a rolling pin, forming a very thin ellipse. Flour well, not sticky on both sides. In the middle, lengthwise, smear with butter, put a little cheese, sliced sausage and cheese again. Darkening the edges to the filling does not come out when baking. Dab with beaten egg. Bake at 200C, only on the lower wire. When removed from the oven, brushed with butter and smothered with a towel. * Other types of stuffing: - mince and onion - mince and cheese - minced meat and egg - feta cheese and cheese - feta cheese, egg and parsley - feta cheese, egg and spinach
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