3 eggs
2 cup milk
1 cup flour
1 pinch salt
1 cube chicken broth
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1-2 green onions

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Make pancakes as classic Beat eggs, milk, flour and salt. With a ladle pour the mixture into the frying pan with very little sunflower oil and bake pancakes on both sides. pancakes Leave to cool in that time, then prepare the chicken broth. You can either use ready cubes cube dissolving in hot water, or use broth in which you boiled chicken (no matter what part of the chicken). Cut the cooled pancakes into strips, approximately 3 mm wide. Wash the green onions and chop finely only fins. Better would be if the onion is young and small, or chives. Pour into bowl cut pancakes, pour hot broth and sprinkle top with green onions. Serve immediately.
0 users
Danny, I left it this soup. But I got it from my mother (also an Austrian). Apparently it is quite popular. Sprinkle it with chopped parsley, but I really like and your offer - fresh or chives.Месен broth with pancakes
I saw that in your version strips pancakes boil in the broth until my option (as they do in the area Karintsiya / Kaernten) hot broth is poured over sliced cold strip and no cooking.
Yes, another option is :). Unknown here, but it is delicious. :)