250 ml milk
250 ml water
20 g fresh yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
125 g butter
about 1 kg of flour

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Shape the dough, which should not is too soft nor too hard. Divide into 6 balls, the latter being the lowest. 5 balls are rolled strips and smeared with butter. Each strip is cut in the middle of the strips from top to bottom and started knitting. The first strip passes above the second, the second in the top third, the third through the fourth, the fifth and the fourth way to the end. Each stitch is stacked in the tray in a circle, starting from the inside out. Sixth ball spread of round, cut triangles that are cleaved in the middle and tops them pass through it, forming a flower. Flowers decorated around the tangle. After rising the bread smeared with butter. Bake at 180C degrees in cold oven on low 40-45 minutes.
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