1 cup cooked and pureed pumpkin
1 packet gelatin
150 g sugar
4 eggs
50 ml rum
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
200 ml whole-milk cream

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Rum warms in small saucepan. Gradually add gelatin, stirring constantly, until completely dissolved. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Eggs broken in a large bowl. Gradually add the sugar and stir 3-4 minutes until a hard snow. In another bowl mix the pumpkin puree and spices. The gelatin was mixed with the egg mixture, and then - a pumpkin. Add cream. Musat distributed in cocktail glasses. Cool a few hours before serving.
1 user
magazine. Culinary journal
I want to try this mousse, but I'm not sure what the cream - liquid or sour. I guess that is a liquid, but never wrote that crashed. I suppose whipped cream and sour liquid will happen, but I was blagoradna if the author can explain.
I was able to do mousse of these products, but rather changed the method of preparation. In short, rum warmed in a water bath and it opened the gelatin (1 packet is 7d). Stir the eggs with the sugar and I added them together with pumpkin puree and spices to rum (still in a water bath). Stir with a mixer until the mixture is warm. I downloaded from the heat and waited for it to cool. Smashed liquid cream and gently stir it with the pumpkin mixture. I reduced the sugar and 100g of mousse became sweet enough for my taste. I think in the preparation of this recipe has many inaccuracies. First, if the rum and gelatin allowed to cool will get solid jelly, which will be mixed with other products. Second, I do not think 4 eggs 150g sugar to form a solid snow. Third, in order to make a mousse, cream should be break (if used liquid). Also, I would confound the whipped cream and the mixture of all other products carefully with a spoon (wooden can), but not with a mixer. Ultimately, mousse get, but too greasy for my taste. Ovsen, neither the scent of pumpkin or this rum feel enough.
We tried it again as cold and my fiance very like it.