Roasted layered cake with blueberries

Submitted by enr on 14 Apr 2009
1 Шоколадово-бадемов base
750 g cranberries
8 egg whites
300 g sugar
20 g grated almonds
20 g of powdered sugar
optional - vanilla, lemon peel, cinnamon, cloves
Roasted layered cake with blueberries
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Heat the oven to 180 C form baking namaslyava well. Chilled dough for the base smears in shape by raising walls, Bake 20-25 minutes and cool. Meanwhile cleaned blueberries. Egg whites are broken down into snow as sugar sprinkles slowly and less. Spices are placed during the agitation. Increases the oven to 250 C. Blueberries mix in egg whites poured in baked base, smoothed well. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and almonds and bake until the cake top is dark golden. Allow to cool off in the open oven. * The mixture is sufficient to form a diameter of 28 cm. When 26 cm cake risk to remain wet, especially if blueberries are frozen.
0 users
14 Apr 2009


Rally, now because of your cake, you need to buy a bigger form. Xixixi.

I do not know who will buy form, but I think I'll get my new clothes already :)

Bravo Raleigh. Pastry is great. How appetizing izglezhdaaa ...

Great, just got a little frozen blueberries !.

Looks great tasty. Just do not know if it can be done with blueberry jam

And if not for the small form just to reduce protein and sugar? For sweet, lest you as mixed with proteins fall snow? If there is no such danger, why not become a jam? Ah, I have not written above: if you use other fruits, put less sugar in the snow, blueberries are more acidic.