# For the dough:
3 eggs
150 g sugar
130 g flour
5 g baking powder
50 ml milk
# For the cream:
60 g crushed pistachios
2 yolks
30 g natural starch
50 g sugar
300 ml milk
# For sprinkling:
powdered sugar

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The dough is cooked, the eggs and sugar mix to about 15 minutes at maximum speed. Then add milk and flour mixed with baking powder, stirring by hand, pulling the dough up, not fall. Heat the oven to 220C. Tray from the oven stood with baking paper and spread a uniform dough. Bake 6-8 minutes. Remove from the oven and turned on a damp cloth, lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar. Remove the paper and on the board also sprinkle powdered sugar. Is wound into a roll without scraping off the cloth (with it) and allow to cool. Meanwhile, prepare the cream. The pistachio is heated with milk on the stove to boil and set aside for half an hour. The yolks were broken with sugar to fat bloom, followed by addition of the starch. Mix well and add a little of the milk mixture, then return to the heat and boil to thicken. The roll is released from the cloth smeared with cream and rolled again. Allow to stand for about half an hour in the refrigerator, then remove and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
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