500 g cheese
5 eggs
50 g yogurt
2 tbsp flour with peak
2 cloves garlic
2 tbsp sunflower oil

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At the bottom of the pan with non-stick surface put the chopped garlic, parsley and sunflower oil. Put them in the oven at high temperature. During this time, stir the eggs, yogurt, flour and salt to taste. Cheese cut into pieces 1 cm thick and are arranged in the heated pan and immediately flooded with milky egg mixture, sprinkle with parsley and bake until ready. If necessary, it may be coated with sunflower oil at the end of baking.
2 users
favorite in a very tasty look.
oh-oh-oh, thank you deserve! :)
How to pull next? Allow it to cool it?
and I put in favorites and stuff. Just ask how long bake as above
Yes, it takes little to poiztine, slightly tight, but served hot.
This is a very very tasty recipe. I love her. My mother in law makes it often. Nelly Bravo, once again share a great recipe.
Great recipe! Tried and liked! Will prepare often!
It was super! I added before topping and a little smoked breasts.