500 g flour
130 g sugar
200 ml milk
150 g butter
4 eggs
300 g of dried fruit mix
essences of rum and vanilla
grated peel of 1/2 Lemon
20 g fresh yeast

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All products must be at room temperature, so half an hour before you start, remove everything from the refrigerator. The dried fruit of your choice, but it is good to have variety, such as apricots and cherries, which are in various colors (I used white and black currants and blueberries). Wash them and cut them into small cubes. Leave them aside, dipped in warm water for 30 minutes. Dissolve the yeast in the warmed milk, which is sweetened with sugar 2 tbsp (total 130 g). Leave it for ten minutes, while effervescent. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with the sugar until it is completely dissolved. Add the yeast and milk essences and mix again. Several times sift flour - so bake panetone will be more fluffy. Pour the flour into the pan of the bread machine. Make a little well and pour the liquid mixture. Add the butter (at room temperature), having previously cut it into cubes. Turn the machine to start kneading the dough rising. Wait signala to add additional products (nuts, dried fruit) or, failing that - wait to mix the dough well and add dried fruit and lemon zest. Turn pro g th batter at first and watch the dough - it should double in volume. So if you have a small bread machine, reduce the quantities of products in proportion so that the tray is filled up to half. After pro g so complete you can sift dough shaped cake pan or higher, but must do so as quickly as possible in order not to fall risen disc of dough. A good idea is to use metal cans or coffee as they cover the inside with baking paper (I used pot diameter 19 cm and height 12 cm). Turn oven to 180C degrees and bake until ready. If the top crust browned very quickly, cover the cake with baking paper to prevent burning.
0 users
Hello, will you be able to directly bake in the oven for bread? Looks great and I give it a try.
Alina should happen to me :) I wanted the cake is round and therefore transferred the dough in a pan :)