400 g of frozen peas
2 tbsp sunflower oil (if you add the sausage put only 1 tbsp)
1 onion
1-2 carrots
1 bunch dill
1 tbsp red pepper
salt, pepper
8 small sausages (or chopped sausage optional)
1 cup tomato juice or crushed canned tomatoes
2 tbsp flour with peak

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Put the oil, peas, chopped onions, grated or sliced carrots, chopped dill, paprika, sausages (cut or whole) into the pot of multikukara. Stir and pour hot water to the edge where the grid is placed Steamer. Add salt and add pepper. Close multikukara and turn the program FRYING / STEW (my device is F5 - 20 minutes). Having completed the program, decompress, open multikukara and pour them into a poultice of fuzzy tomato juice meal. Stir well and close again multikukara. Turn it back on the same program and after pass 10 minutes from the start of the countdown off multikukara. The dish is ready to serve. * For 4 servings.
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After the halogen oven, this is my new krasta..i begin again experiments Multikukara. I hope to be useful in recipes that will publish. As you know I always try first, and then publish. I wish all who have this nice cooking appliance and hope that they will share their experience and recipes.