1 kg pork without bone (shoulder)
5 onions
3 zucchini
4 peppers Sivria
4 tbsp soy sauce
50 ml white wine
pepper, cumin, salt
sunflower oil spreads saci

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Pork meat is cut into small, not very thick steaks. Chop the onion slices. Courgettes without peel cut into slices, lightly salted and left for 30 minutes to drain the water. Peppers cut into pieces 3 cm wide, 4.5 cm long, depends on the pod (at your discretion). Sachat put the fire to get warm and few drops of sunflower oil. I put to roast saci of all products. Baked them scoot from saci in a pot or pan is convenient for you. Sachat fawning with sunflower oil, after each baking products. When everything is cooked return on sachat. Sorting all products of several lines already baked steak sprinkled with a little salt, pepper and cumin to taste. Ordered flooded with soy sauce and wine - began to mesh together. After 5 minutes saci is removed from the fire. * turned round just as they bake, then disappears.
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