1 kg zucchini
3 tbsp breadcrumbs
1 egg
100 g cheese
1 bunch dill
1 bunch spring onions
1 sprig fresh garlic
grated nutmeg
1 / 3 cups olive oil
# For topping:
200 g yogurt
1 egg
1 tbsp flour

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Grated courgettes in large pieces, add salt and remain soft. Courgettes squeeze the water, add them chopped onion, garlic, dill, grated cheese, a little pepper, a little grated nutmeg, egg, olive oil and finally the breadcrumbs. Stir well. Greased baking dish with olive oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs pour the mixture, pour on top with beaten yogurt with flour and egg. Bake until ready. Tray size is 20x20cm.
3 users
great picture and great recipe! Will be done :)
Big recipe. Currently baked and delicious smells. In five minutes peek in the baking pan and lick :). So drained courgettes not put so much water, if only sliced. Very nice photo. Will not dare to put my.
We were very happy with the result! Great moussaka!
Marina, Reni, I'm glad that you liked, Reni you're a master photographer!
steffanell, we like :)
viliya beautiful photo palmichka I liked.
Marina now saw the pictures, there is something else as cream cone, what is it?
The idea was for cannelloni :). Roasted grated cheese not too tightly wrapped cylinder. If you toast many, can not screw, if not browned enough, it is not hard once cool and can not be filled. In this case, filled it with yoghurt with mayonnaise and garlic. Must be filled before serving, because after 10 minutes kaneloncheto softens.
stands Very beautiful!
Nice recipe, only that he changed a little - filled cannelloni with the mixture (without breadcrumbs and olive oil) and I poured them with topping. Again it tasty. :)
Well, bravo remembered how cannelloni!
In the absence of bread and others tried on Sunday ... :)