peppers bell peppers
sunflower oil
black pepper optional
bay leaf optional

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Bells are cleared from the stems and seeds, washed and allowed to dry. In so ready bell peppers with a small spoon is placed in them from the salt, the sugar, the oil and vinegar. A Kamba 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sunflower oil and 1 tsp vinegar. Cooked bell peppers arrange in pan and roast in a preheated oven until change color and their wrinkled husk - no more. Grilled bell peppers are stacked in a jar, each press down gently to fill the jar and capped. This is done while the bells were still warm. Optional can be added in a bay leaf and a few peppercorns. Finished jars are not sterilized. Can be eaten immediately after it has cooled, but it is desirable to wait for 2-3 days.
4 users
Many successful recipe and I have been doing for years!
Very successful and easy recipe for a bell. I know it from my grandmother and each year without it we can not. Bravo!
I also I'm doing it for years, but I put salt and sugar 1/2 tsp This year I trusted this recipe. In winter will try it!
And I do them every year but each put cabbage and carrots and two aspirins a jar.
Many are delicious kambichkite. I do them in a jar with a screw cap and fill the jar turn it until cool. Put chopped garlic and between kambichkite become great.
After not sterilized (by welding or aspirin) how long this lasts pickle
I also want to know how long they can stay without boiling the jars?