500 g fine filo pastry sheets
3/4 cup sunflower oil
100 g sugar
1 cup walnuts
500 g apples
3 tbsp breadcrumbs
1 tsp cinnamon

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Each skin is sprayed with sunflower oil, folded in two and again dabbed with sunflower oil. On it is placed part of the filling made from peeled and grated apples, bread crumbs, chopped walnuts, sugar and cinnamon. The filling is placed 3 cm from the edges of the crust, which turn inward. Then sheet rolled loosely roll. Shaped rolls 6 rank in a greased baking dish with sunflower oil. Bake in a moderate oven until browned. Serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
4 users
We call this pastry strudel. Instead use breadcrumbs ground biscuits. Very nice!
chudnae But I put more apples 500 grams it is not enough and I'm doing it with about 1. 5 kg apples
This is great.
Very nice!
The result was unique.