2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup honey
1 cup sunflower oil
cinnamon 1
1 tsp baking soda
flour as necessary

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Mix honey and sugar. Add cinnamon and vanilla. Remove the court in which will involve. Add eggs one by one, then the oil. Throughout mix until smooth and frothy, and add baking soda. Gradually add the flour and mix until it becomes difficult for the agitation. knead adding a little flour until no sticky. Should become soft, shiny dough, which is very nice work. Roll out the dough and shapes stars in different sizes cut the cookies. For each tree are needed two stars of each size. Bake pinking at moderate temperature - 160C middle grille with fan. * You can decorate them with icing egg white: 150-200 g sifted powdered sugar 2 times 1 egg white and few drops of lemon juice. I used coconut, pearls. * From the same dough and make gingerbread. * It is recommended to make at least a week before Christmas and kept in a box with apple slices to soften.
13 users
dough is recipe for gingerbread Gemma
wondrous snimki- bravo! with glaze you glued stars to give tree?
Thank lady_LANA. Yes, the stars stick up slightly from protein glaze - adheres very well. After tightening, there is no danger to collapse.
will try the recipe. They are very nice tree. Congratulations!
Very beautiful Christmas trees you did! Bravo!
Very nice decorated
I'm ready with the same gingerbread honey pastry and quickly show them to you - decked them with fondant. From the same dough will do and candlesticks.
gold mnoogo are beautiful :)
Thank you viliya :)
zllate, are amazing!
For me gingerbread Gemma are the most successful of all the recipes I've tried to Gingerbread. The first time I did a lot of raztochih dough thin, received 100 units but softened after 3 days in the box. Extremely aromatic, sweetish, mekichki and durable. The definition in the forums that melt in the mouth it is not really an exaggeration, at least personally, I think. Sugar mix with brown and honey home use only. For this Christmas I think today and tomorrow to make some doses have time to soften until Christmas. Sweet you are very beautiful, zllate. I want to ask you about gingerbread is clear that it is nice to Stay to soften and are durable and with fondant when I decorated them, how many days before you eat?
I do gingerbread week before Christmas and immediately embellish them with ready color fondant. You can decorate them and the day before Christmas, as you decide. Keep them in tightly closed containers in a cool (in the sunroom) with pieces of apple inside. The dough is really successful, I do it from gingerbread, Christmas trees honey, honey candlesticks, gingerbread on a stick ... I think it is appropriate and honey houses, but I have not tried yet.
Fair and houses a familiar twice already makes this such a dough. Will do a greater amount and could not have done for one day to decorate, so I asked how they can stay with fondant, yesterday I bought 1 kg. So you can safely decorate them gradually 4-5 days before. Thank you. We will try and Christmas trees do enough to buy such shapes in different sizes, I think in Jumbo saw just that.
Calm your decorate them, no problem with the Fund. Baking pans for Christmas Tree I bought last year just from Jumbo.
gold are wonderful! As they are not tampered with hands! Very aptly decorated them! Congratulations! :)
Thank tillia, his very dear
Splendid are well done
Thank kitana :)nelale, gingerbread you have become wonderful - very beautiful.
Thank you! as looking like bout of tree already, candlesticks are wonderful. a person becomes a Christmas as watching them :)
For tree does not seem to me more energy left. Last year I made them for gifts to our friends, this will probably deal candlesticks :)
Well they candlesticks are no less spectacular, I would appreciate and would be glad a lot of such a gift. The mere fact that someone has done something for you personally is great. I made sweet in the shape of a tooth to my dentist and she was very impressed, shows it all and do not eat well that gave her and other sweet :)
Ha, ha, great idea nelale, how you came. Really nice :) I would keep it.
From the same dough are much she liked and wanted the recipe. A tooth is vidnomyasto today asked me how much time can thus stay in the box.
:) nice tooth. Biscuit dough that I know that last long, but how much ... I have no idea. In our 2-3 days after Christmas ate everything.
just kneaded the dough, but never says how long to bake, please write 4f my first time making Christmas cookies ... :)
zvgogo, Bake m / u 10-12 moments until the edges turn pink.
They became great! Peko them 180 for 8-10min. Thanks for the recipe! :)
I am very happy zvgogo, serves snimchitsa see them :)
... Put :)
tree look fabulous and I'm sure they are just as delicious. I want them to do for the holidays and was wondering how much the meal I needed and whether there is a difference between baking soda and baking soda.
campanula, from the amounts mentioned in the recipe cut out elements 6 pieces Christmas trees. On the second question - no difference.
campanula, I put 400 g of flour about, maybe a little more, I'm not Mary, but is not nice to be a bit too much flour, because it is hard. Also care should be taken with baking very quickly become ready. At the beginning are hard and need time to soften. Those made on 13 December -Now are super mekichki and delicious, but those who did 18th are my rock, in a box with an apple that change. I hope to soften until Christmas. Incidentally, zllate, you so you melt on the stove honey or sugar, as I tried it the first time I felt a lump that was wondering just how to straighten, so I mix everything without e apolzvam stove.
I'm not Mary flour (next time I'll do it), put stop until sticky and I make a soft dough. And my gingerbread already mekichki rule them 14. 12. and stand in a box with pieces of apples. nelale, do them exactly as described in the recipe and I have not had a problem until now, but as you sample without boiling sugar and honey, you might jump this time.
latkova, you are very nice gingerbread
Today they did with my daughter. Very tasty and easy to prepare! Maggie, you and I have used the same figures :). Your are very beautiful and colorful! Our children are decorated because little hand was more skillful and persistent, and I did not paint pastry, but we had plenty of chocolate and colored sticks, and candy.
Read that in order to become softer, must be roasted at least ten days in advance, but this time I've missed, so that will eat them tvardichki (not this will Porec to eat them: wink :), but next time I'll know (I should make them secretly and nice to hide them to remain to soften).
zllate, but I like them melted on the stove and a little spun around the kitchen and then the mixture a little cool and solidify, you should immediately add other products, but now and so confuse them. Incidentally this morning I'm so happy I tried dose of 18 th and soften a little, a lot to be desired, but I think that just tomorrow will be extra. milena75, nice you decided to hide them next time to soften, I do not given, there is *supposedly* try how wobbly. As I pass the holidays to make them and balls and his taped jam.
milena75, upload photo / s and your gingerbread:) This is not a competition for best decorated gingerbread and just because they are decorated in children's small hands of daughter you will be even more wonderful. All are unique in their own way, all have put so much love and care in their work and have more photos to the recipe, so we will have more ideas for decorating them. Girls, tell me where you write when you have any questions to the editors. I want to ask to be added that it is better to make at least a week before Christmas and kept in a box with apple slices to soften.
nelale, may depend on honey. I use store-bought / liquid, no home and I have not harden. But next time will make them try to stir up anything without dissolve honey and sugar. Once so happens, this option is unnecessary.
Very easy and delicious. Incredible flavor. I warmed honey and sugar in MB.
Miracles happen, especially if the person has the nerve to adorn them. Only problem I had with melted honey and sugar - after removing them from the heat left to cool slightly and the mixture became very hard. So we had to throw it and the second time not melting anything right mix.
katu6a88, are very nice. I'm sorry I had to throw the first mixture and I can not explain where the problem can come to the stiffening of honey and sugar. This honey dough do several years in a row (two doses) and one of I had a similar problem directly'm amazed. Many please moderators to edit the recipe by removing the part with the melting of honey and sugar. It would be good to add that it is advisable to make at least a week before Christmas and kept in a box with apple slices to soften.
changed the part warming sugar and honey added a clarification of the box with apple. So by looking at warming of sugar, it is caramelized and therefore hardens then ... maybe if honey is liquid not get this effect.
Thank xevi :)
It is important that they become wonderful gingerbread! It does not matter whether there was difficulty in preparation. :) Apparently really depends on honey - my home and is generally quite thick ..
This is katu6a88, I'm glad that you like gingerbread. Thanks to all xevi recipe is already wrong, hopefully no more problems with preparation. The dough is wonderful, very tasty and very easy to work with him.
Thank you all for that voice in the competition for the photo of the month December 12 [Other desserts] tree for my honey pastry :)
Very nice work! Thanks for the recipe!
I am very happy JDulle:) And I'm already ready with gingerbread for Christmas - in this recipe.
Many tasty cookies. I like to be crispy. Also very fragrant! Thanks for the recipe!
Ehaaa sladki64e, wonderful sweet - beauty. Incredible Christmas magic to create, well done.
Thank you, Zllate! And your beautiful! I thought it would not come out many cookies and I would do a double dose, but became much. I for each day until Christmas ornament :).